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Ever hear of this oven?


New member
I have one of those “friend of a friend” situations, and his buddy had a shop for a couple of years before being elected to a public office and he found holding onto the shop incompatible with his “day job”. He has some very interesting prices on his “2 year old” gear…I’m told the oven is a Wolf model 3255. I can’t find anything on Wolf pizza ovens by Google.

Anyone heard of them and/or can give me a heads up on them?
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Thanks Magoo…yeah, that’s the only place I could fine remotely possible. I’ve got the guy’s number and will try to get ahold of him this weekend. The way it’s been told to me his equipment is a conveyor (thus the 3255 I’m sure), and has just a little over 2 years of usage. The price I was told for “a garage full of stuff” would be very hard to pass up unless of course, it’s junk!
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Do you have any pictures? If I had to make an uneducated guess as to what this oven is, I would imagine it is an E-flow oven designed by Ron Wolfe from Wolfe Electric or possibly an XLT oven designed by the same guy. If you can get a picture of the oven I would guess that I could recognize it if it is one of these and give you a good review of it as I have used both models. George Mills should also be able you a bit as he works with and sells Rons ovens.
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I googled pizza oven 3255. The number looked familiar. I though it was a MM, but the only thing that came up was a bofi or Lincoln 3255 conveyor.

Either way, you need to go look at the stuff before even thinking about it.
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HI Deacon:

I think Paul is correct. The oven is most probably An XLT 3255. If it is only two years old it could be a very good buy.

If you can get the serial number I can determine the age for you.

If you need to see an XLT for comparison to what is being offered you can see them at my web site.

George Mills
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Thanks guys. Yep, getting more detailed info is certainly the next step. When they came back with “Wolf 3255” the first thing I thought of as well was, hmm…could they mean a XLT3255?

I’m getting closer to breaking this thing open one way or the other, sometimes a dream has to be acted on!

I’ve used a LOT of the expected ratios and percentages, I’ve got fairly extensive business mgt. experience so I think I have handle on expenses to be considered. With all I’ve come up with so far, a decent shop “ought to” fly here. My start-up costs will determine whether I’m “go or no go” at this point.
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Hi Deacon:

If you buy the equipment in question and when you find a location, contact us with a list of the equipment and dimensions of your building. At no charge we will do a professional floor plan for you.

George Mills
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