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Excellent online ordering app


New member
Thought I would share our experience with you guys. Been searching for a great online ordering system for over a long time. I think I have found it. 2 weeks ago we went live taking online and Facebook orders that are sent to an android tablet in our 2 shops. ((Check it out and see our menu -takes you to our Facebook page ordering))

It was really easy to set up and now besides phone calls we have 3 ways for our customers to order with real time confirmations from our staff (3 minute window to accept the order and give expected delivery time).
  1. Directly in Facebook (Shop Now, App and or Tab)
  2. Order buttons on our Website
  3. From mobile Foodbooking App
Here in the Republic of Georgia we don’t have access to any payment gateways (yet) for online payments but the app lets the client choose cash or card at the door so it is no different from what we have been doing for the past 6+ years, only now the customer is self ordering and filling out their address, phone number and email. This company makes money when restaurants activate online payments for 29 bucks with no additional charges regardless of how many orders.

Already our intelligence is growing with a heat map, customers emails, super easy to read statistics and our various delivery fees are added automatically based on distance via a cool delivery area mapping with google integration. The menu and modifiers were easy to set up and changes are instantly live across all platforms. We added our own photos, there is some stock photography provided. This is going to save us a lot of cash since we have been and still are using foodpanda but will phase that out slowly as we migrate clients over to our system and cut out the middle man.

I love the fact that the customer is not forced into only one option and doesn’t need to install an App on their phone. I also like the fairness of the pricing, only using this free currently because no payment gateway is available locally. I am currently looking at a POS integration option, ideally VOIP integrated Caller ID with a platform independent POS. Would love help if anyone has any ideas.

Disclaimer: I am partnering with these guys and I will receive 20% of the $29 monthly fee (if activated). If anyone wants to join or test send me your email address and I will send you an invitation. You could have your menu up on your Facebook page within hours. I suggest using it for free and then adding online payments if and when you want to.

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