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Expo Attendees, What thing grabbed you attention?


Staff member
This year was another great show. I was in sensory overload for 3 days straight. For those of you who were fortunate enough to attend, what one thing did you get that may be a game changer for you. Maybe something that you are going to do in your marketing, or an operational procedure you plan on implementing.

I think I may take an idea from the first key note speaker. In his store the employees determine when they get their raises. There are guidelines and certification for each level of pay. Each pay grade wears a different color of hat. This gives the staff a chance to determine their own rate of advancement.

The was an example of an employee that was a shy person who was determined to make top pay. In order to do this it meant she would have to come out of her shell. She became a trainer in the company and we were told it had a positive effect on her life outside of work as well.

What did you get from Pizza Expo?
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I really wonder if the show would be BETTER somewhere besides Las Vegas–without the external sensory overload, I may have gotten even more accomplished!

My main goal out there was to decide on a POS and explore the insurance side of things. I didn’t expect to get so much from the Dough Boot Camp. Tim and Bill did a terrific job of explaining the little things about dough formulation, and then did the demos on the floor to emphasize. Really well done.

I made a couple of contacts (Richard and Joe, not least among them), including one more who is a buffet believer with some of the same concerns as I. Tom Lehmann was very kind to take a few minutes to answer a couple of fine point questions, too.

The one disappointment, I guess, was that one of the ovens, Edge, was not represented. I’ll most likely get one of the old workhorses, either the MM 360s or Lincoln 1600s, but XLT was very impressive. I’ll post questions about XLT and POSs separately.

It was a pleasure to meet you, Daddio, and I look forward to next year. Not to mention continued discussions here!
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I don’t know about you folks, but the GREAT PIZZA really grabbed my attention 😉

Daddio, great seeing you again and chatting about the TT.

All the best!
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I was really looking for menu boards and only found 1 option…I did run out of time as I went to hit a seminar at 230 and missed the entire far left 3-4 rows

1 day was not enough this time around.

I did run into many folks I have never had time to say hi to.

All in all it was good, but my hotel choice sucked - wont stay at Harrah’s ever again. Had a way better time 2 years ago when I stayed the Hard Rock.
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I enjoy walking, so the Clarion was perfect for me. Quarter mile to the convention center, half mile to the Riviera. Not necessarily the nicest in town, but clean and safe for an average of $43 and change.
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One seminar that really grabbed me was the one on marketing to Hispanics. My community is about 20% Hispanic, and I’m really not doing much of anything right now to market to 1/5 of my potential customers. Had some pretty good info at that seminar - but it always bugs me when the person giving the seminar spends the first half of their (and my) time explaining why what they’re about to tell us is so important, critical, whatever. I’m in VEGAS, BABY! If I didn’t already think it was going to be helpful to my biz, I’d be doing something a bit more fun than sitting around listening to you! 😛

Also got to spend some quality time with Shelley from Repeat Returns. They weren’t represented at the show, but they’re located in Vegas, so went to their offices on Monday. Hoping to start seeing some good returns from them in the coming months!
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