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Expo--sorry, plan changed!


New member
First timer at the Expo, in fact, first time in Vegas. I’m not planning to gamble, maybe a bit of sightseeing. People watching.

Talking with my partner tonight, I booked a room at the Clarion. 49.99 for Monday nite, 39.99 tuesday and wednesday nites. Hey, it’s not fancy, not right there, but it’s close enough, a couple of long blocks’ walk. Not like I don’t need the exercise!

Is there any sort of Think Tank gathering there? I’d enjoy the chance to meet anyone and everyone.

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Re: Expo==Room share?

Sorry - no space, already got my wife and my manager…but will be a good time!
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You will have two options at Expo. There is the Beer & Bull which is an open exchange of ideas over beer and munchies, plus there is the Pizza Expo booth, where the speakers hang out. Please feel free to come by and discuss any questions you might have. Lots of free sessions too.
As a first timer, I suggest gathering as much information as you possibly can from the vendors, then after you get back home, catagorize it, and put the information into folders for future reference. On my last two trips to Vegas for Expo I did not gamble a single penny.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Eupher I just wrote a very very long response but I just cut it and will leave it at this. Having been to LV too many times a few notes. First, dont be that cheap and not stay on the strip. I just searched the big boys… Venetian, MGM, Caesars… and if you search the hotel sites you can get those dates for $75-100 a night. Well worth the money. As far as walking… one end of the strip to the other is in miles not blocks! Many a time we started at one and from MGM to the Wynn you are wasted by the time you get half-way. Dang margaritaville! You can also then use the monorail to get around. Heat wont be bad in March but could still have some warm days. If you stay off strip… one round trip taxi ride will cover your difference in hotel costs, Also… get players cards everywhere. You will be amazed how fast you can earn free rooms or at least a meal or two. Get a host… explain this is your first time…you are having a blast… and are really thinking about coming back nect month for a longer stay with your adult kids that love to gamble. They give give give. Sometime when I feel like typing a short story I will PM you some things that will make your head spin. Just dont sell yourself short and stay away from the action. You are also safe any hour of the day on the new strip. You stay off strip and WALK down… well I wish you the best of luck there…as the gamblers that take that walk almost always lose there cash, credit cards, jewelry…etc… to the streetcorner dealers (READ: MUGGED!) Just stay safe and smart! 8)
Our trade show coordinator finds great hotel rates for Pizza Expo every year at It’s a bit of a pain because most of the promos are date-restricted, but if you look, you can find some real bargains.
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The Clarion is 2/10 of a mile from the Convention Center, just to the west, actually in between the Strip and the Convention Center. I think I can handle it.

We’re not even open yet, and I can’t justify spending $300+ for the hotel when I’m getting one for well under $200.
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I have been to LV too many times so when I go for Pizza Expo I tend to stay away from the strip. I have booked the Best Western that is about 3 blocks away. The walk in the EARLY morning wakes me up for the keynote session. This year the rate was $25 a night.

On a side note remember Sunday March 11th is the change to daylight savings time.
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I suggest we pick a corner of the room at the beer and bull session. Maybe just to the right as you enter the hall. That puts us near the food and drinks 😉
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A group from the dixieland jazz mailing list has, at every festival, a F2F, or face to face session. I’m sure there are others besides me in the Tank, who would like to look you guys in the face and try to call you on some bs or simply shake your hand and say thanks for the help.

Is the beer and bull a set time? That sounds great.
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PMQ should provide the Think Tankers with t-shirts to wear. Put our forum i.d.'s on the back like sports jerseys.

I won’t even charge Steve to market his magazine for him!
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brad randall:
PMQ should provide the Think Tankers with t-shirts to wear. Put our forum i.d.'s on the back like sports jerseys.

I won’t even charge Steve to market his magazine for him!
Just look for the Dallas Cowboys #21 with Da314man named on the back :lol:
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Beer and Bull sessions are Tuesday and Wednesday 4:30-6:00 in room N250
This is how you can recognize me 8)
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Richard with that shirt in Vegas you might start getting calls for more than pizza if the drunken crowd does not read past the first two lines! :shock:
Richard with that shirt in Vegas you might start getting calls for more than pizza if the drunken crowd does not read past the first two lines! :shock:
Not too worried as there is no area code 8)
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