Facebook fan page ordering...offered by our online ordering company

We are upgrading our online ordering plan to include ordering from our facebook fan page. I am curious to see if anyone here on the TT has been using their fan page for ordering?
If you have it:
Does it work well for you?
Has it increased your online ordering?
Do you get prank orders?
Do you use facebook ads to promote it?
Thanks for the input, this is something new to me. I am hoping that it will increase our online ordering.
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i had that for about a month through a company called Ethor. i got 1 order from it. :confused: i canceled it after the free trial. i wasn’t worth it.
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a long time ago I had something on FB for online ordering, but it was a quasi-link to my BigHoller system…I got biz from it, but FB is so kramed with $hit, it’ll prolly be a waste of time & $$$
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I just signed up with Chow Now. They are take care of facebook ordering, website ordering,and create an app for you. Im not up and running yet but ill report back when I am
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