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Facebook - how to keep it under control?


New member
Have had are website for a couple of years now and get a decent amount of traffic, but reading this months PMQ makes me think we should also have a Facebook and Twitter page.

I’ve never delt with either Facebook or Twitter so I started an account with both… and was wondering how have you setup your business pages? Do you set all the “personal info” for Everyone to see and if you start getting crap-talkers posting, how do you remove their posts and keep things under control?

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Creating a Facebook and Twitter is good because it gives your website a face… another channel for any visitor to try to reach you or research more about you…

You can set your settings on Facebook to notify you by email everytime someone posts something new, that way you can moderate. I haven’t really ran across people writing bad stuff on my Facebook pages. If it is bad, it’s usually in a polite way…

Just set everything up as public profile… that way it shows up in Google searches.
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ok, so if someone does write something bad, you ARE able to just delete it off the page, yes?

And what about Twitter, any experiance with it yet? I signed up and setup to Follow Pizzahut, dominos, papajohns… seems the only comments i can see on Twitter are the one’s the company actually makes.
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yep you can delete any comments on facebook and you can ban people as well. You DO need to check your page regularly though.
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If someone wants to check out your facebook page they have to hit the “like” button. By doing that I wouldn’t expect people to say anything bad. They “like” you.
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Wizzle Wassell:
and you can ban people as well.
Do they know if you’ve banned them, or do they just stop getting stuff in their newsfeed?

My wife “likes” everything we post on the business page, which mildly irks/embarrasses me for some reason. So, I’m considering banning her. :twisted:
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Facebook is a good thing to have although I admit I haven’t done much with it other than create the page.

On the other hand, I haven’t noticed any benefit to having Twitter. I’ve announced discounts, given out handy info, made random comments and have even made “free” offers available to anyone that sees it. Never had a response or even a comment about it. We still continue to have people follow us, however, for whatever that is worth . . .
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I would suggest asking your customers which social media they use before you start an account because any that you start you should actively maintain and if your customers aren’t on Twitter or Facebook then it may not be a good use of your time.

I also suggest setting everything to a public profile but to have a “likers” only section with specials and events. It takes a bit of FBML but it would be a good way to increase your “likers” Check out this link for some more info
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brad randall:
Do they know if you’ve banned them, or do they just stop getting stuff in their newsfeed?

My wife “likes” everything we post on the business page, which mildly irks/embarrasses me for some reason. So, I’m considering banning her. :twisted:
Not sure, only ever banned one person!

Personally I ‘LIKE’ everything that I post on the business page as it then shows up on all my friends newsfeeds.
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