Facebook Marketing for slow afternoon periods


Are any of you using your Facebook or other social media to drive extra sales during slow afternoon periods? If so what kind of deals or promotions are you offering?
I have done tons of Facebook ads of various types (top of mind awareness, call to action, etc). I seldom find success in using them to boost a slow day. The reason being is the approval process takes a while, and by the time it actually starts appearing, most people have already had or planned their meal.

Instead I keep constant top of mind awareness campaigns going, with different ads catered to different demographics and markets geared toward gaining page likes and follows more than immediate orders. I usually include a "Make sure to follow us on Facebook for exclusive limited time offers.

Then, when I have a slow day, I put a “Flash” offer out with Limited Time Only. Something along the lines of “This deal will self destruct in X hours”, or another urgent catchy phrase. These hit instantly to those actively on Facebook, which most people go on at some point in the day. Once the time, or order count, has passed I delete it.
Usually something cheap and easy like free garlic parmesan bites (i can pre sheet a few orders), free 2 liter, or anything free really. People associate heavy value with FREE, no matter the actual cost savings of the item. So even though the Garlic Parm Bites are only $4.99 RMP, and cost a fraction of that, it gets a much better response than $5 off would.
I believe you just put a basic post up on your page and when you decide your deal is over you just delete it from your page.