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Facebook screwup


New member
I was using facebook without a profile as a businees presence and it was fine for what we were doing. Well like an idiot i was fooling around with a profile to try to expand our facebook capabilities, made some fake name using my shop name as a last name. didnt complete the process and shut computer down and guess what, my site now has a profile which is screwing up everything (somehow people cant find us now) anyway does anyone know how to get rid of the profile? ive tried everything and can’t get the darn thing back the way it was. Please help!
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Sorry fish I am not a facebook expert…I know a couple people on here have a lot more time using it. Have you tried just deleting the whole profile and starting over? Maybe a question for the Facebook help forum. I am sure one exsists on their own site. Good luck.
Hi Fishinc,

This is just my suggestion…

Maybe you should delete your facebook account, and then recreate an account with the same name so you gain access again.

Here this is a page on how to delete you facebook account

I think you have to wait 14 days with no activity for facebook to actaully delete it.

The directions are on that link.

Like I said this is just one solution, and I don’t know if this is what you are willing to do.

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