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Fan Choice Awards


New member
I just got a notification on Facebook that we have been nominated for a Fans Choice Award in the Pizza Shop category.

It appears to me that this is just to try and drive traffic to their site. They also mention marketing tools available. It looks and feels like a marketing firm.
My first instinct is to delete it, but then I thought it wouldn’t hurt to have a new award posted up in here next to the golden spatula we won so long ago.
Here is a link to their site
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After looking the site over for a minute, i was trying to find out the rules of how and what… well they don’t really post anything and to me it feels like more scam then real. Mostly because of this
  • In the post you share, add in the hashtag #FansChoiceFan and tag 3 or more friends in the post.(this is very important)
Seems they are harvesting social info for who knows what purpose.
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Lol they gave this award to one of our competitors who can’t be doing more than 5k a week

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Umm… excuse me… I believe that the Shri Lankan heir to the throne who is in Canadian exile.
He just explained his predicament to me, and he made me a most generous offer: 10% of his fortune if I will help him.
Feeling a little foolish now, Daddio?

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My first instinct is to delete it, but then I thought it wouldn’t hurt to have a new award posted up in here next to the golden spatula we won so long ago.
Here is a link to their site
I can send you any award you want. $10 for normal awards, $20 for “Best…” Type awards.

25% off if you order 5 or more at the same time. I suggest hanging no more than 1 every couple of weeks.
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