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Festival Pizza


New member
We are setting up for a large country festival. We are doing slices. Just standard slices. Pepperoni, cheese, supreme, etc. However, I would like to do one that is just out there. Something unique. Could be anything, most these people are about 15 beers deep so I think something unique would go over well. Anyone have anything like this?
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One that has gone over well with the drinking crowd is BBQ chicken w/ fresh cilantro. Mix your pizza sauce with about 1/3 by volume BBQ sauce. Precooked diced chicken can be marinated in the sauce. Add the diced fresh cilantro after the pizza comes out of the oven.
Good luck at the show.
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Bacon and eggplant. Get some frozen, breaded eggplant. It sounds horrible, but it’s gone over great at foodie festival things I’ve done in the past.

And/or, a bacon cheeseburger pie…mix 2 parts ketchup or catsup 🙂 to one part mustard, beef, onion, whatever else, and pickles on the side. A little bit of Americana on a pizza.
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