I told myself I was not even going to look at anything related to Firefly again. But, oh well. It’s funny because Duessa from Firefly posted in one of the threads I created that they would like to speak with me to handle the issues. But I replied to her and never heard a word. Its pathetic how poorly the situation was handled by GRS. When I was in the midst of all the issues I have records of almost 20 phone calls and multiple letters, which resulted in being told that it was completely my fault and I should reimage my hard drives to get rid of any problems or don’t worry, it’s not a big deal. The only way Tom, your customer support manager, would even talk to me was to continuously call through Granbury main offices. Calling Firefly directly got me nowhere with tech support. All Tom, Kim, yourself, or anybody else had to do is call me and say “Hey, you need to upgrade for security reasons to protect yourself” and I would have done it. What about the upgrades to Firefly and PCCharge that I was supposed to be receiving as part of my support plan? I replaced my servers when you told me I needed to, even though it took weeks for you to set them up. Now I have them on a shelf. Would you like me to send those back for a refund? Mr Bronson, how many customers have said, Grs was great with correspondence, they kept my software updated, etc? You were being paid to keep my system updated and not use the same passwords on my system that you used on almost everyone else’s. What was it, about 300 systems that were hacked. I’m have been told by multiple security companies that 99% were Firefly. One of the banks actually called me and said, “You don’t have Firefly Technologies, do you?” Sending out a letter after the fact saying that you sent an email out 2 years ago about router upgrades is just ridiculous. I have yet to talk to someone that received notice that upgrades were needed to maintain PCI Compliance. And I damn sure didn’t receive the email. Seems like something as critical as a security issue would warrant a phone call or certified letter. You did send the CYA letter out certified though, so good job on that. Saying that you are PA-DSS certified is a crock. All that means is that if everybody does their job and all things work exactly as they are supposed to, you might be compliant.I imagine most small business are not PCI compliant for some reason or another. Have you gone through a SAQ D, I am not talking about one from some security assessor that is mostly filled out for you. I bought a POS because I am not an IT guy. There has to be some responsibility on the provider to say “We are PA-DSS certified, but we do x and y to make the system compliant and you need to do z.” I imagine in time Grs will dump Firefly and say the company had problems when they bought it and its not their problem. But, Mr. Bronson, if you want to make it right, let me know.
PS to the original poster, I believe Charles Hoff handled the Radiant Systems case.
At the very least, I think, refunds should be issued for tech support since Granbury took over.
Thanks to anyone that made it this far and sorry for the continuous rants on the subject, I am done.