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First, make rice - Seth Godin


New member
This guy does a way better job of describing how I feel every time I see some of the same marketing questions come up.
First, make rice
Fledgling sushi chefs spend months (sometimes years) doing nothing but making the rice for the head chef.

If the rice isn’t right, it really doesn’t matter what else you do, you’re not going to be able to serve great sushi.

Most of the blogging and writing that goes on about marketing assumes that you already know how to make the rice. It assumes you understand copywriting and graphic design, that you’ve got experience in measuring direct response rates, that you’ve made hundreds of sales calls, have an innate empathy for what your customers want and think and that you know how to make a compelling case for what you believe.

Too often, we quickly jump ahead to the new thing, failing to get good enough at the important thing.
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Hey the bottom line is you want repeat customers and if your pizza sucks then it was all a waste of money to get them in the door to start with! Make’s sense. :idea: