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First pictures of our new dining room, need some advice

The hard work definetely paid off. Your dining room looks great. Some TV’s and some wall decor wil complete it. I’m glad to see you even put the work into the bathroom. That can be one of the most overlooked areas in a restaurant.

Did you build your own booths? I like the floors, what did you use?

I agree that some wall decor will make it less formal. Awesome job
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I got the booths from a crappy mexican place. They were hot pink and the wood was light brown

They looked like crap but i got all the frames and cushions for 500 bucks, then painted them all and got them re covered in black leather and had the table wrapped in leather cause they were nasty old brown. we were one double booth short so we built our own double to match the rest.

I spend about 1000 getting the booths re covered and that tables wrapped.

but they look great now and for a total of 1500 bucks for nice new looking seating for 32 people. I cant complain

The floors were already in the building it used to be a childrens store and its just a fake wood looking linoleum stuff but it worked will with our theme. We build the roofs from scratch to break it up a little bit
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What a great looking place!

You’ll be amazed what accessories will do for you. Add wall stuff, maybe some trim border, or some stencilling. Some lighter highlightd on the booths could help you as well . . . the diamonds could be brightened . . . and some visual interest on booth walls for sure. give them something to distract them while they wait.
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The room looks good. Could you add an island in the middle for condiments and maybe some two seat tables? There are 100’s of islands on ebay.

I have black tables as well in my dining room. They sure are tough to keep clean. Use a lint free cloth to wipe them.

I found some great food art on the website. Pics of bread, cheese, tomato, olive oil look nice in a pizzeria.

Quotes and sayings are also a great thing to put on walls to keep people entertained while they are seated.
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Looks great!

I went to local thrift stores and found solid frames with bad art, then bought prints online and put them in the frames after I’d painted them.

It was an inexpensive way to dress up the walls after our budget was blown.
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