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flavored dough ? tom maybe...

So we have been trying to be creative in what we offer for our pizza of the month and have had some that were awesome and some we could not serve…

With Superbowl fast approaching we wanted to make a buffalo flavored pizza crust with hot sauce already in the dough.

We used our regular dough recipe with the the only difference being the instead of say 100 ounces of water we used 50 ounces of water and 50 ounces of hot sauce. The flavor and color that we wanted was there but is almost broke our dough mixer it was so hard.

What is in the hot sauce made this happen and is there and way to counter act it?

Am I crazy for trying this?

Any help is always appreciated!
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15 St;
No, you’re not crazy. I’ve always said that “an imagination is a terrible thing to waste” and it sounds like you are putting yours to good use. I’m guessing that your dough was just short on water. I’m betting that the buffalo sauce didn’t contain as much water as you thought it did. You were calculating that it contained 50% or one-half water. A quick way to find out how much water the sauce contains is to put 10-ounces into an aluminum foil pie plate, or a folded piece of aluminum foil. Then put the sauce into your oven to bake off all of the water, until you have a dried mess left on the foil, now, reweigh the plate with the dried material, and subtract the tare weight for the pan or piece of foil. Divide this weight by 10 and multiply by 100 to get the percent solids content of the sauce. Example: The plate has a tare weight of 1/2-ounce. We had 10-ounces of sauce on the plate. After baking off all of the water, the plate, along with the remaining dry material weighs 1.5-ounces. We subtract 1/2-ounce and we end up with 1-ounce of dried material. Divide 1 by 10 and multiply by 100 and we get 10% dry solide in the sauce. The remainder (90%) was water. So, in this case, for every 10-ounces of sauce that you add to the dough, you are adding only 9-ounces of water. Now, you can say that the amount of sauce that you have opted to use is only providing X-amount of water, but we are replacing 10-ounces of water, so we will need to add the difference (between that in the sauce and 10-ounces, in your case) as added water.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Ha, seems so obvious now that Tom says it!

I was thinking that there was some sort of funky chemical reaction going on. As usual, the simplest explanation is correct - 50% sauce does not equal 50% water.
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Like the story about the boy and the truck stuck under the bridge. Truck is wedged under the bridge and can’t be moved. City engineers are on site and contemplating the best course of action to free the stuck truck. Boy comes along and asks what is wrong. They explain the problem. He askes them how they are going to free the truck, they say that they are going to have to cut the truck in half to remove it. The boy responds, “Oh, I though you were just going to let the air out of the tires to lower the truck and then back it out”. Sometimes the simplest solution isn’t always the most obvious solution. My kinda kid!
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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