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we currently use all trumps high gluten, what property’s does Caputo 00, or a lower an all purpose flour have if I changed to those?
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Dont switch…All Trumps rulez…lol…

When I sold food, ALL my bakers & bagel makers would only use All Trumps…

I’ve switched around from time to time, but always come back to it…
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It all depends upon the type of pizza that you are making. All Trumps is great for a New York style pizza or for making dough that will be managed for more than 3 or 4-days through the cooler, but it may not be the best flour for making thick crust/deep-dish pizzas as it might impart excessive toughness into the finished crust. Caputo “00” flour or any of the lower protein content flours might be just the ticket for making a more tender eating deep-dish or thick crust pizza. Caputo, or any of the other similar “00” type flours excel at making hand tossed Neopolitan style pizzas where the softer dough characteristics can give better oven spring when baked on a hearth at 600F and hotter. We have also found that dough made with the “00” type flours do not hold up as well as doughs made with higher protein flours when subjected to several days of fermentation in the cooler.
One of the main advantages to using a lower protein flour is that it can reduce the amount of dough memory we have to contend with which can be an important consideration with some forming methods. On the other hand, if you are into amazing your customers with dough acrobatics, nothing beats a very high protein content “pizza” flour with 14+% protein content. I don’t think that there is a right or wrong flour, but some might be better suited to some applications than others. Based on all my years experience in making many different types of American style pizzas, if I had to pick out a “go to” flour for making the broadest variety of different styles of pizza (both thin and thick/deep-dish varieties) I would select a strong bread type flour with 12 to 12.8% protein content. Some of the flours falling into this catagory are Progressive Baker Qualitate, Prarie Best Flour, Full Strength, Rex Royal, Washburns, Superlative, Morbread, Mondako, Organic Pizza Germania, Kansas Diamond, Majestic, Springcup, Red Rose Rocky Mountain King, Red Rose Harvest Classic, Red Rose Baker’s Special, Red Rose Bleached Bakers Special, Red Rose Keith’s Best. These are but a few of the many different flour brands fitting into this protein range.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Ceresota flour comes in at around 11.2% protein content if I remember correctly, but it is the flour that is most commonly used in Chicago for making both thin and thick crust pizzas. This is what accounts for the fact that while a good Chicago thin crust pizza has crust properties on par with wet pasta noodles it still has a pretty tender eating characteristic, and when it comes to making the cracker type thin crust it is within a specification range that would be hard to beat.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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That puts it right inthe “saddle”.
I’ll make that correction on my memory chip.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I’m working on my recipe for cracker crust
and I tried
100% flour
30% water
7% oil
1.2% ady
1.2 salt
1.2 sugar

Water was around 90 degrees. I mixed all dry together then added all wet and mixed for exactly 90 seconds. Hand formed. 24 hour room temperature rise. A bitch to roll out at home. I put upside down sheet pan in 550 oven for thirty minutes. Flavor was good but not much browning. Any holes you see in the recipe? Used ceresota flour
And olive oil. Next time will probably use butter.
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Now you know why I don’t normally recommend making a cracker type crust at home. A dough sheeter/roller makes a snap out of a very difficult job. To get the crust to brown up better at home try increasing the sugar to 5% or better yet, see if you can find some dairy whey powder and use it at 5%. This will give you the browning you desire but without the sweetness that you get from the sugar.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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You could increase the dough absorption to 35 to 40% for making the dough at home as this will help the dough to knit together better without the aid of a dough sheeter/roller.
Immediately after the “dough” has been mixed, I portion it out and fome into pieces that look a little like hocky pucks, I then place each “puck” of dough into individual bread bags or wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 24-hours, remove from the refrigerator and allow the dough to warm to 50F at room temperature, unwrap the dough piece, flour and roll/sheet out very thin. I always dock this dough very well. It can be effectively par-baked if you want a really cracker type crust, or just proceed to use the pizza skin in the normal manner. These pizzas should be baked directly on the hearth or oven stone.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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