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Flyers for direct mailing...who do you use?


New member
Any advice on where to go for cost efficient direct mailings? I looked into a printing company which I used for our business cards and it would cost over $2000 for 5000 8.5x11 flyers to go out. Is this a normal price? Do you know of any sites I can visit to get better info or pricing? Thanks!
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Whether that is a good quote depends on what you are getting. The info in your post is a little thin.

If the price quoted ($2000 on 5000 flyers) includes postage and that is a two sided color piece, the price is not bad. Bulk mail (boxholder) postage is going to be $700 leaving $1300 which is 26 cents per flyer. For two sided color printing and handling the mailing, that is not a bad price. If it includes layout… even better.

If the $2000 were for spot color and did not include postage it would not be a very good deal.

Don’t forget the value of dealing locally. On something like this I would not source outside the local market to save a hundred or two. Local support from other businesses is worth A LOT MORE than that.
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