Following up on Driver Insurance


New member
Need to find out how the rest of you handle checking your driver’s insurance on a regular basis. We are in the process of hiring a new driver and he furnished us with “proof of insurance” which was nothing more than an insurance application dated in January which said insurance would be for 6-month term. Didn’t look like any other “proof” we had ever seen before, and in fact when I submitted it to our carrier for pre-approval they would not accept it either.

We contacted the applicant and sure enough he brings in new insurance info dated today (which means he didn’t have insurance as we had suspected). This time he does have the proper paperwork and proof of insurance that expires in 6 months. Because we now have proof of insurance for 6 months, this doesn’t necessarily mean that he will continue to pay the premiums for the entire time and only just went and got the info to satisfy his hiring requirements.

Do any of you have a way to check or require your drivers to prove that their insurance is in effect during the entire 6-month term? Most of our drivers are older and we are not even worried about them not having their insurance the entire time. But now we are really going to be suspect of this guy’s insurance if we do hire him. We certainly don’t want to find out after an incident that his insurance had lapsed.
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FIrst, I wouldn’t hire this driver to start with. He has already proven he lies to you over important issues. As far as checking, I wonder if signed consent from your employee would allow you to make random checks with their carriers about coverage being up too date or if you even need that. I would call one of your other employees carriers and see what they say about you checking on the coverage and what they require for you to ask for the info. Your carrier should also be able to advise you on the correct way to proceed.
If you do decide to take a flyer on this new employee prospect, then straight forward and from the hip.

You could be right up front with the perspective employee saying that the documentation irregularity left a ‘funny taste in your mouth’ (taking 6 months to get an application approved is odd) and that part of the successful completion 90 probationary period includes him/her every month bringing in the receipt/cancelled check/statement from insurer for their insurance premiums. Monkey is on the employee’s back to get the proof. Set your POS to alert you or him when it is due . . . then diary i in your cell phone, daily calendar, whatever to check on it. Failure to provide the proof means likely dismissal since it is a huge company and customer liability (it’s the law in some states).

Could be he/she just walks away.
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