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Food salesman was stealing from me.....

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Back in december i had uncovered that my food Salesman was stealing from me… He had a pretty complex scam going, taking advantage of the fact that i was not 100% on top of my records and that my canceled checks and bank statements go right to my bookeeper and i rarely see them unless i check online… So long story short he was charging food to my account and taking it elsewhere and selling for cash then manipulating me into paying these invoices by crossing out invoice #s i was writing on the checks and writing in different #s… It was a 2 part problem 1 being my record keeping and the second being that the company never sent monthly statements… Anyway the salesman signed a confession and i have been working with the company to get my money back… By the time its all said and done it will be over $10,000… The company is returning the money to me but my question is am i entitled to any damages beyond what was taken from me?? We had learned that it was going on over a couple of years. Any thoughts???

If they pay you back in full, are you going to be satisfied? If you answer no to that question in any way, I would contact a lawyer.
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yeah i am having a hard time swallowing it i know i played a part in it but i trusted this guy he always acted like we were good friends… Even when the owner took over my account he said i had great pricing, but it was obvious as to why…
Please post the company once this is settled so we all know who to beware of. I’m sure that in my early days of pizza there were many that took advantage the fact that I was naive. I’m pretty sure there were employees, sales people, bank tellers ect that took advantage. My lesson was learned and now and every dollar is tracked and checkbooks balanced(thanks to my wife, she’s the accountant) and any missing money is quickly traced. For those that don’t believe that money management isn’t one of your most important jobs in this business, you are not coming close to maximizing your profit.
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