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football special, PJ

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“To celebrate the beginning of football season, Papa John’s is introducing a special online offer, available tonight, this weekend and on most other big football viewing days throughout the season: buy a large specialty pizza at at regular menu price and receive a large one-topping pizza for just 99 cents!”

…how do ya’ll that compete with PJ deal with this ?
…also, I am not familiar with there “specialty” pizzas or the size,
no PJ in my town,

ah-ha…looked at PJ menu and saw the high priced, high margin specialty pizza and they throw in an economy pizza…

I assume their large is a 14" and X-large is 16"
(I do not have a PJ in my town)

…if I’m wrong, please correct me,
I have one about a mile from my store - along with a dominos, papa romanos and a LC

I don’t even pay attention to what they do…
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I checked out my local PJ’s and it would cost me $16.98 for a 14" specialty and a 14" one topping plus tax. This price includes the $1.00 delivery fee. Not a bad deal for those that like PJs. I offer two 16" 1 toppings for $16.99 or two 16" specialty pizzas for $19.99 with free delivery. I would say my everyday prices match up rather well to their once in a blue moon special.
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Your 16"'s are definitely a better value than there 14"s for a penny more. You do match up well with them w/o having to do anything different.
 Other than that,  online ordering, more pertinent in a college town like yours.
Do you think you lose any significant amount to them with the online ordeing, especially in a college town?
I know some people tha get PJ, mostly for that reason. convenience and habit
Is it a thought for your future plans ?

…that implementation kinda boggles my mind…

I make a point to not concern myself with the other places in town, as managing my own growth is enough of a challenge. Our campus store does online ordering, but I am not at all interested in doing it till it can be integrated with our POS. The idea of the order coming in via fax does not appeal to me at all. I don’t think online ordering is the deciding factor in many peoples decisions on who they will order from.
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I don’t think online ordering is the deciding factor in many peoples decisions on who they will order from.

Evidently not, unless they have already decided on a place and online is offerred,
Otis Gunn:
Evidently not, unless they have already decided on a place and online is offerred, Otis
Something often referred to as “value added” amenities. Won’t necessarily drive new business, but it will give the perception of greater value for the price point. It might drive higher price point tolerance.
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I do not have a PJ in my town, if I did I would have to put something competitive in place for our customers…I do not have anything close to 2 large pizza for $17…but, I could sure come up with it in a hurry for those football games…I’m sure Nick could too

…it’s just on those night, I could drop the price of my one topping Super Bowl pizza, 20", over twice as large as a 14", which is normally $18.99 to
$14.99…my food cost for that run about around $3.75, or around 25%, in fact, I could run it anytime I needed to…

Nick, we’re rocking, isn’t nice to be the only pizza place in town !

I definitely disagree on your statement that online ordering is not going to influence who someone orders from. We added online ordering and have gotten 30 to 40 new customers a week who say they will now only order from us because of the ease of online ordering. They don’t like to deal with the sometimes rude or short people on the phone who can’t take their orders correctly.

A lot of people would much rather order online so they can see exactly what they are ordering and how much it is going to cost. We’ve gotten many very satisfied customers who now only order online. We’ve also gotten complaints from customers who can’t order online at our location (they are out of our delivery area) and say they will just go to someone else who they can order online with.

Online ordering is a necessity. You will lose potential new customers it you don’t offer it. It’s the age of the internet baby.
I definitely disagree on your statement that online ordering is not going to influence who someone orders from. We added online ordering and have gotten 30 to 40 new customers a week who say they will now only order from us because of the ease of online ordering.
< < < deleted> > >
Online ordering is a necessity. You will lose potential new customers it you don’t offer it. It’s the age of the internet baby.
I can see your statements ringing true in Orlando area or some other metro population center. They are absolutely wrong for my market, though. Maybe 20% of the 1100 households here have computers in their homes. . . if that many.

I think it is a great move for the markets who will use it, and the businesses who can set up to utilize it. Our market still thrives on the personal interaction and relationship development of the small town pizza place.
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I can see your statements ringing true in Orlando area or some other metro population center. They are absolutely wrong for my market, though. Maybe 20% of the 1100 households here have computers in their homes. . . if that many.

I think it is a great move for the markets who will use it, and the businesses who can set up to utilize it. Our market still thrives on the personal interaction and relationship development of the small town pizza place.
Nick - thats 220 (maybe) customers who have computers - maybe some of them, as mentioned above, don't like calling maybe some would like the novelty of online ordering - its something different.

You mention a lot (oh yes you do) that 'things won't work in my market' - if your the only pizza shop then maybe they will if you try them - if you keep telling yourself then they won't!

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“Online ordering is a necessity. You will lose potential new customers it you don’t offer it.”

I agree, that’s the reality.
Some of my customers, the techy kind, would prefer to order online, even for a less quality perceived pizzeria. I hear them say it, “I know the pizza is better at “X” but I order PJ, it’s online”.

Now Nick and do not need it now because we are practically the only pizza place in town. But, I’d hate to think someone would be using my free hotspot and order a pizza online from someone else. It could happen though.

Some of our forefathers, back when people were getting telephones, remember the old ones with wires, said they would never need those things for their pizzeria. (I’m assuming)

“dwoman2know”, if you read this, please let us in genral how us independents can parlay this online ordering in with our smaller businesses. I see you are a district manager, and may not be able to devulve details, just some conceptual ideas and directions on this.
Most us are a good bit of time from implementation, some in he bigger cities maybe sooner.

Nick - thats 220 (maybe) customers who have computers - maybe some of them, as mentioned above, don't like calling maybe some would like the novelty of online ordering - its something different.

You mention a lot (oh yes you do) that 'things won't work in my market' - if your the only pizza shop then maybe they will if you try them - if you keep telling yourself then they won't! 🙂
Your point is well made. In my world, though, novelties don’t pay the bills.

I consider the cost in time and money for developing and operating that system. I then consider the potential market it will reach and how much potential revenue it will add to my business. In the scale of small numbers, it just doesn’t add up. I cannot see a way that expense would draw new business or new dollars to my shop. Just the cost of adding a business DSL service would be more than the online ordering could pay for (it would cost me almost 1% of my average monthly gross sales). Then there is the cost and purchasing and maintaining a computer at the shop. A potential market of 220 people simply isn’t going to drive NEW revenues to pay for this. I honestly and deeply wish they would, though. It is a numbers game.

I have been pretty intimately involved with this market for the three years we’ve been open, and have worked lots of different angles for connecting with them. My one particular market just isn’t ready for online ordering to pay for itself. We have spent our time and efforts building a personal connection based approach (since internet has provided little result). Dumping the impersonal internet process into the mix would be a disjoint with our business concept and brand right now.

I say this given the history of our online discount and freebie offers. We drive people there with our boxes, flyers, advertisements, t-shirts, menus, e-newsletters, direct mailers and word of mouth. We get 10 responses at most to any offer we put in electronic format. We are talking about just telling us the offer was there, and you get something free. We really have tested the internet avenue in our marketplace. We’ve done a few different efforts to entice online ordering. Our customer base has simply preferred that phone line over and over.

For example, there is no internet portal for the City of Grantville, Georgia.
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I think it depends on your market.
If you are in a city, with a lot of lunch orders coming from office buildings, then online ordering would be important - people want to peruse the menu at their leisure (on the clock) and order their meal to be ready for them when they take their lunch, etc.
In residential areas, more orders are coming from the cell phone during a commute, or from a kitchen phone when Mom decides not to cook - going online would be an EXTRA step…
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