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Free Whitepaper - Pizza Advertising Results


New member
Good afternoon,

The results of a recent pizza industry advertising survey have been posted on our website as a downloadable PDF whitepaper. The results are free (just log in to see the full article) and may be helpful to those of you who advertise with menus/flyers/box toppers/etc.

Just thought I’d make this available for free to the TT, some of you may have even participated in the survey (thanks)! If nothing else it may get some ideas flowing.

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How do I view this valuable information without “registering” (giving free mailing list information) my business? I’d love to read it, but not going to jump on a mailing list at a site I never use just to see it.
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Hi NicksPizza - When you register you at the site you get access to all of our free resources and content. If you don’t want to receive emails with discounts on printing - no problem. Just send me an email and I’ll be happy to send a PDF for you.

[email protected]
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i would also like to read the results also, but not to sacrifice vital information.

I may also buy from you after reading it if the results speak for themself.
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Nick everything “free” has a cost…If you do not want to get Taradel’s emails I think it is unfair to ask them to give you their free information…Information that they paid to compile…
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Nick everything “free” has a cost…If you do not want to get Taradel’s emails I think it is unfair to ask them to give you their free information…Information that they paid to compile…
Very true, however, I have no problems with sending out the PDF to those who simply don’t need our services. I appreciate everyone’s contribution to the industry whether they print with us or not. Thanks 😃 🙂
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I have not seen the “white paper” but even though I make a living selling magnets, there is no better return that what you can get by using a well produced full colour menu…And many of my clients tell me Taradel, does a great job…
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Nick everything “free” has a cost…If you do not want to get Taradel’s emails I think it is unfair to ask them to give you their free information…Information that they paid to compile…
Usually don’t ask something for absolutely nothing . . . I only did so because they came here to our forum shilling the ‘free’ information. Not at all inappropriate. No foul called. No need to check the replay.

I just don’t need another cookie/spam/junk mail/phone call/prospector list entry floating out there. I created a shell registration and viewed the PDF file available. Info seems most useful for those who are not currently using color print material, and to companies who produce print materials. I am not going to rain on the parade by spoiling the suspense here. I want Dave & Paul to sign up and get their newsletter 🙂
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Hey it’s really no problem guys. We don’t want to spend advertising dollars marketing to someone who prefers not to be contacted - it works out for everyone.

Please keep in mind though, I handle all marketing at Taradel and we are not a giant corporation who will sell your information or blow up your inbox with emails …everything goes through me and I like to keep people happy. I’m also always available to help you 1-800-481-1656 or [email protected]

Thanks again
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For those that dont want to give your email but want FREE advise/results to help your business, Taradel is in business just like you and me.

Instead of having PDF’s sent to you, create a free email account and use that one for info.
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For those that dont want to give your email but want FREE advise/results to help your business, Taradel is in business just like you and me.

Instead of having PDF’s sent to you, create a free email account and use that one for info.
Here’s the issue as I see it. Bury somewhere in the “terms of service” that by signing up, you agree to be contacted (blah, blah, blah), which isn’t what Nick wants. Nick is simply saying that Chris offered something for FREE, and while there’s no cost involved, it’s not without strings.

I already searched bugmenot for an email address to log in with and they don’t have one. Bugmenot is great for these type of things though.
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As many of you are aware I have been buying color printed items from Taradel the last few months. I have yet to receive any kind of spam from them.

Sure we all hate the dreaded junk mail but just to throw this out there, I have had nothing but good things to say about Taradel and the way Chris handles his business. Clearly it is a “smaller” operation and a bit old school as far as dealing with their clients. They do it the ol fashioned way…a voice acutally picks up the phone, they are always available with answers…even to some dumb questions I throw their way. There service has been top notch. I do believe their concern is for their clients…realizing if they treat us well we will tell others…as I do.

Sure he is trying to drum up business, but I think he has also taken an interest in our group and just trying to throw some info our way which will not only benefit him but benefit us too.

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