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French Bread Pizzas


New member
I am thinking of making these at my shop here as a new item, only one problem. They taste like home made pizza in my opinion… What can I do to zest up the taste on these?

Brush the underside of the frenchbread with garlic butter?

Any seasonings you think might zest them up a bit?

Any advice on any of these? And do any of your stores offer them and how is the success of this product if you do
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I will reply privately on this one tomorrow. I am concerned that potential competitor could be a member here, and I wouldn’t want to tip my hand too often in public 😉
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We use our garlic bread for french bread…

We use a Arrezio garlic spread from Sysco for our garlic bread and I really like it for added flavor to the french bread pizzas…
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French bread pizzas are easy to make. The commercial ones are made with French bread that is baked in a clam shell type of pan, which allows the bread to have a flat top and bottom portion, so when the bread is split, there is a flat bottom to each half. You probably won’t have access to this luxury, so regular french bread or rolls will work just fine. To prevent the sauce from soaking into the crumb portion, brush the crumb with melted butter or margarine. Flavor it with garlic, or a little powdered Parmesan or Romano cheese, or Italian herbs. Then apply the sauce, cheese, and dress it to the order. We normally use a small piece of wadded-up foil to form a saddle to hold the French bread upright in the oven. Besure to place the bread on a screen or tray to keep it up off of the deck if using a deck oven as the bottom will burn before the top is finished. If you use an air impingement oven, you may find that the bake is excessive if you bake these are the same time and temperature as your regular pizzas, if this is the case, if you have a split conveyor, you can reset the time for a shorter bake on one conveyor, or you can use the old center door trick (half pass), or, you might look at placing the pizza into a pan as this will help to reduce a portion of the bottom bake, and if all else fails, try placing the pizza onto a sheet of foil, then folding the sides up to help protect the French bread portion from the high velocity air. It is not terribly difficult, you just have to find what works best in your oven. Of cours all of this isn’t important at all if you have a deck, or oven that you can dediacte to baking your French bread pizzas, which really isn’t much more than an open face, oven baked sandwich.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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You always have the best and most descriptive answers Tom thanks alot. I am actually looking into making my own french bread for these. Maybe making them either the night before or during the prep period of the day. I have also found some good bread choices from local retailors. I have tried adding garlic butter to the bottom of the french bread and it has produced a very wonderful flavor.
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To make the bread/rolls yourself, just use your regular pizza dough, for the rolls, scale 5-ounces and roll out under your hands to shape like a hot dog. Place onto a greased (Crisco) sheet pan, and spray lightly with water, cover (plastic dome works very well) to prevent drying and allow to rise in a warm place for about 70-minutes (you will need to experiment to find the time that works best in your shop), then using a scoring knife, or VERY SHARP serrated knife, cut 3 or 4 diagional docking slits across the top of each dough piece, lightly spray with water once again and bake in a deck oven at 425F or in an air impingement oven at 400F until just lightly browned. Cool the baked rolls on a wire screen and store in a plastic bag or box at room temperature for up to 3-days.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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