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Fresh Start 2000 ?


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Has anyone ever heard of the cleaning chemical Fresh Start 2000?

I bought a case of it today and it works great. The only problem is 2 of my employees got light headed and dizzy. I started to feel strange also. I called the company and of cource they have never heard of this happening to any one and I should just dilute it more.

I think I’ve been scammed!
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What does the MSDS state? You do have MSDS sheets for all chemicals in your store, right?
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I just did a Google search on it and it looks like it is a concentrated LAUNDRY detergent (degreaser and cleaner). It says NOTHING about being approved for food contact applications, such as use in a food manufacturing facility (pizzeria). Hence, there probably won’t be any MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) available for the stuff. This means that it is unlawful to bring it into the back room of your facility. There are also other, more reaching ramifications that we won’t go into here. Call me at 800-633-5137 if you want to discuss. In the mean time, I would highly recommend pitching the rest of the stuff, and alienating yourself from the guy who sold it to you. Remember the Gloden Rule (No MSDS, no buy).
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Also be sure to keep chlorine based products away from unknown cleaning chemicals. That green gas will get you.
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I am a detailer for a used car lot in missouri, a drive by salesman sold me a half gallon of fresh start 2000 for $40.00, said it was super concentrated and would last a long time, when we called the number to reorder we could not get through, I decided to continue with my regular chemical supplier. THEN, today I was helping my father clean some grease off his camper and went to a local Dollar General store to get some degreaser , when I found a similar shaped bottle with the same color chemical inside, the label is a clear plastic label that is not glued to the bottle and could be easily removed, the cleaner I found was “LA’s Totally Awesome”, I got it and used It on the camper, and it worked and smelled the same, I am with you, I think I was scammed Too! Oh, did I mention this cleaner only cost $3.00 :x
OH NO, I dont think you have been scammed. If the worker had a reaction maebe(i dont know) they did not delute enough. I have been looking to buy more yet i cant find it to buy. Where did you buy your case from.
I just ran out on my fresh start (which i have had for 2 years, I steam my carpets and steamed clean my suv with it and it has gotten out red kool aide from white carpet which is amazing it itself.
It would be great if you could message me back on where you bought it from. I would greatly appreciate it.
my email is
[email protected]

Have a wonderful Day…

Starlyn Smith
I am a saleswoman of the product Fresh Start 2000. Thank you for your post and I would love to supply you with product. I can ship it to you and send you a bill with the product. You may call my directly at 304 482 6256. I sell the cleaner at an extreme discount. Your product will be sent to you from the main office but at my price. Thanks Again for your love of Fresh Start, Bobbi Ann McDowell
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Ok I am bored and googled this and found a question and answer thread from 2003 that has a supplier named “bobbie” from Georgia that offers this for sale as a laundry item that lists for $72.03 but she offers at discounted $46.82 and it does 44 loads of laundry. A buck a load…damn it is costly! Must make someone money since we now have a “bobbi” on our board that sells the same discounted soap. Wait… a little more research and that is for 6 bottles at 44 per bottle. That’s more like it… but it is laundry soap and I agree with it not being approved for food contact. Be very careful…not too mention the illness problems you stated happen.