Wing man is right on. we have one 40# fryer, and need to put through 100# ina 4 hour shift. It was insanity until we stumbled on par-frying. The humainty of it all.
We parfry our 6-9 wings at 350F for about 7 minutes (check temp on a couple of them to 165F). Spread in pizza dough box to cool for 10 minutes then into reefer crossstacked until cold, then boxed into containers for 2.5 minute crisp/refresh. the difference from fresh fried is negligible! You volume potential skyrockets, and you are seldom more than 5 minutes from filling those 150 that just got sent back to the kitchen!
Parbake, parfry, parsteam, pargrill. Whatever you do, parcook those fresh wings! Ask you local giant wing company how they do it . . .parcooking.