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Front Counter


New member
Can any of you guys who do just carry out and delivery give me an idea of what your front counter is made of? Some say I should do a stainless steel counter top? How did you have yours built or is there a company where you can buy a front counter? My contracter says he can build one for $500 but I don’t want to replace it in a few years. If anyone has pictures of their front counter I would appreciate seeing them.
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Hi Pizza man:

The chain and individual operators for whom we equip pizza shops all have counters built on site and have Formica on the exposed surface .

That appears to work best for them.

George Mills
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We are planning to use one of our stainless steel tables that we got cheap at auction as the countertop. We are building a stone facade around it.
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I have found the heat from the pizza boxes has caused the formica to lift from the counter. This may be from poor craftmanship on the part of the carpenter but it is worth noting.
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