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FrontFlip - anyone use it?


New member
So there’s a Loyalty App created here in KC called Front Flip. It’s been around a year or two but has really taken off. The hook for customers is that they get to “scratch off” a coupon on their screen with each visit. You can then publish offers to these folks and you can track usage, etc. Here’s the kicker, you don’t own or even get to see the names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. For this reason, I just turned it down without even hearing the spiel. I may be reconsidering…

I have used the Front Flip interface and think it’s a great way to market interactively. They have signed up with some big national restaurants and are doing very very well. I believe their strategy as an app is effective. Also, at $100/month, it’s not a giant investment. I currently use Repeat Returns and am happy with all of the features and, most importantly, the backend.

So, my questions:
  1. Has anyone used Front Flip? Results or stories to share?
  2. Do you think having two totally different loyalty-type programs is to confusing to customers or does it just get my name in their face that much more often?
Any other thoughts are appreciated.

Patrick Cuezze
Next Door Pizza
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Front-Filp is a cool concept (scratch-off thing)… but there is a very dark side to these types of programs (and they’re popping up like weeds)…

BEWARE: They harvest your customer list and then invite YOUR customers to try YOUR COMPETITORS.

Any so-called loyalty program that has map of locations where customers can use their app, phone, card, etc. is a harvesting program.

You are actually paying them to direct your customers spending to other businesses.

This is from their terms of service: “we would like to send you gifts on behalf of Businesses that we think you may like.”

Your customer list is one of your most valuable assets. Guard it carefully.
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For what it’s worth, I would definitely consider using Kamerons loyalty program, Repeat Returns. It has great features for keeping your customers happy, engaged, and coming back to you. I tried it before and was satisfied with the overall program (I had to stop using it however due to not having a large database).
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Kameron, i like your website info btw. Anyhow if some of my customers go to another restaurant and some of their customers come to me , whats the downside???

It sounds like a win win
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