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Frozen Pizzas for Fundraisers


New member
I was approached by a friend of mine that runs a fundraising company about doing frozen pizzas for his company. My friend alone setup 200 fundraisers last year selling beef jerky, savings cards, pizza, and cookie dough, and state wide his company did 1000 plus fundraisers. He was not happy with the pizza quality he was getting and pretty much scratched it off the fundraising options. I believe this is a great opportunity, but honestly I do not even know where to start. I would appreciate any help.
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Let’s start at the top, what is your experience in pizza? Have you ever done any fund raisers in the past? The last pizza they tried failed, why? How was that pizza made? How was it marketed as a fund raiser? There are specific legalities to making pizzas and distributing them away from your store, have you looked into this? If you would like to discuss this in greater detail, please feel free to give me a call at 800-633-5137 (ext. 165).
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Hi Pizzduo:

Listen to Tom:

You will open a large can pf regulatory worms If you get into that segment of the pizza business.

George Mills
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In Florida,it’s not as big of a deal as some might make it out to be, doing a large fundraiser…

I’ve done them before, when I was in the wholesaleing biz…and I think you could take all or part of that & apply to this situation…

Although I was regulated by the Dept of Ag, I believe traditional take & bake operations are governed by the Dept of Hotels & Rest…

I would think all would have better success if it were a ‘local’ effort, vs trying to transport many frozen pies across the state…

Think gift cards, or punch cards…buy a card for $20 & get XX in return…take-out only, either a TnB or a hot pie…add delivery for another charge, or throw it in as a freebie and use the data to remarket the custoner…

Just my 3¢ (inflation, ya know!)
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Ok, I guess I should have given a little more information. I have been working with the fundraising company for several years using a savings card. Basically the card gives the customer a FREE appetizer with a large pizza purchase. The savings card has been a great success both for me and the fundraising company.
The fundraising company has several fundraising items, cookie dough, beef jerky, pizza etc…, and they have not been happy with the quality of pizza and cookie dough they have been recieving. The owner approached me and asked if I would be interested in supplying the company with pizzas and possible cookie dough for their fundraisers. I am in the process of applying for a wholesale manufacturers license and I will be contacting Tom Lehman. If there is anyone with a wholesale background I would appreciate any advise.
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Could it be that in order to get to a certain price point, the current supplier cuts corners as far as ingredients and/or preparation?..Have you calculated your costs to see if you can meet the price point they require?..Or if you are forced to cut corners will your finished product end up being similar to current product?
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What kind of numbers are we talking about? There is this thing called “the wall”. This is the production number that you cannot exceed without altering your whole method of production. This means that there can be great economies in small scale production, but at a certain point those economies are lost and it may take a much greater effort or cost to increase production beyond that point.
The cookie dough issue is a whole different thing. Cookie dough has been implicated in just about as many food illness issues as sprouts have. I can talk to to you about both of these at any level of production.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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