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Fryer Filter experiences?


New member
We do a LOT of heavy hand-breading at our place and currently just manually filter out our oil…but it’s a pain and not the safest practice either. I know not everyone has fryers in their pizza operations, but for those that do, and use an electric pump/filter unit, can you share brands, and comments on how well (or not) they’re working for you.

I want to make a purchase in the coming week…but like most of us, can’t toss money out there and hope it’s the right decision.
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Check these guys out:

I was an area supervisor for KFC for over twenty years and these were our go to guys for most of our restaurant parts. We filtered our shortening after each round of chicken and often went many weeks between changing it out. Not only is filtration important but polishing after lunch and at the end of the night is a must. Send me a message and I’d be happy to share what worked for us with you.
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