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Fully Prepared Pizza Sauce


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I currently use a fully prepared pizza sauces, called Ultimo Deluxe, it is a Roma brand and I don’t know who makes it. I am considering making my own sauce and want to replicate this sauce, my customers love it.

Have any of you replicated a fully prepared sauce? Any advice on how to go about doing this?

I am thinking of starting with Tom’s sauce recipe in the PMQ Recipe Bank, then adjusting it from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I currently use a fully prepared pizza sauces, called Ultimo Deluxe, it is a Roma brand and I don’t know who makes it. I am considering making my own sauce and want to replicate this sauce, my customers love it.
Why, oh why, would you want to do this? Your customers love your current sauce, and I’d bet money you can’t replicate it for the same cost. If you’re only trying to reproduce it, what’s the point other than to save money?
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I currently use a fully prepared pizza sauces, called Ultimo Deluxe, it is a Roma brand and I don’t know who makes it. I am considering making my own sauce and want to replicate this sauce, my customers love it.
Why, oh why, would you want to do this? Your customers love your current sauce, and I’d bet money you can’t replicate it for the same cost. If you’re only trying to reproduce it, what’s the point other than to save money?
I am thinking about switching from Roma to Us Foods, not knowing who makes it or if I can get it from someone else makes me feel trapped with Roma. The manufacture also switched from making 3 Gallon bags to 10 pound bags. This has me wondering “what if they stop making it completely?â€
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I want to be in control of my products.

Then make your own, I bet you will end up with a sauce you, and your customers will like more, and you will have more control over it.
That Roma sauce you are using can be changing as we speak,  that is a real problem with generics, they can buy it here there and yonder and it will change over time, usually cheaper for them and less good for you. Brands have to be more accountable.
There are some great recipes here, get started, keep it simple, have fun with it, your customers can too, tell them what you are doing, ask them what they think…you could do some promotions from it on samplings and feed back.
“Crusher” said:
I am thinking about switching from Roma to Us Foods, not knowing who makes it or if I can get it from someone else makes me feel trapped with Roma. The manufacture also switched from making 3 Gallon bags to 10 pound bags. This has me wondering “what if they stop making it completely?â€
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Stanislaus and Escalon have more recipes too,
pick one that looks good to you as a start,
I vote for make your own… but don’t start out to duplicate a fully prepared sauce; You can do better than that, why shoot low?

We have good success with Escalon tomato product. Be sure you are looking at yield when you cost out your product. With some product you can cut a can or even two of into five gallons with others nothing at all. Case price is not everything.
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Hello crusher, I think if your customers are happy then why bother changing? When you make your own sauce it can be very tasty if done right but just remember you just opened another door for more work!I use to make my own and I recieved some samples from Stanislaus and was extremely impressed to say the least.They are very consistent,fresher tasting than any other product and most companies carry them.I’m not sure how busy you are,but why put even more work on yourself?
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more work on you to make your own sauce is a good point, and a good reason to stick with, considerations being

…if you do your own sauce, start very simple, start with crushes tomatoes, lightly season and go from there

…with the fully prepared, chances are it will be different in the future than now, companies can change those formulas for their own reasons and you may not know…with Stanislaus you are probably OK
I prepare my own because I do not want oil in my sauce and all the fully prepared sauce have oil and some other ingredients I do not want…I am very finicky, because those fully prepared sauces are very tasty
as for me, I want to have as much control and knowledge of my ingredients as possible
there are enough ingredient variables that we cannot control
…just food for thought…
if your customers like it, that is a maajor factor