We often get requests for fundraisers for the local school. We used to offer a percentage of sales for a certain timeframe, but realized that this is costing us money, and not much return (other than the satisfaction from helping the school). We came up with an idea that helps everyone… Let the people who want the money promote the fundraiser, and the more people they bring into the store, they more they make - and they only make money on people they bring in. (OK we let them pass out the fliers at the door to the restaurant also). The school kids always come in and clean tables, do dishes, and help with any other task they can. And of course we go out of our way to make it fun for them. Since we started this program our sales on funraiser nights has risen(we encourage a Tuesday or Wednesday night), our income increases on those nights, the fundraiser makes more money than if we just offer a flat percentage of sales - everybody wins! Below is a generic copy of the flier we print for them.
Join us for (Name of Fundraiser) Night
Join us on (Date) and support your (school).
Students will be helping out in the restaurant this evening, and for their reward we will donate 25% of the total amount you spend when this flier is presented. This money will be used to (list benefits - i.e. new computers for school, etc.).
Together we are giving back to our community and supporting (education). This offer may be used for dine in, carryout, or delivery orders on the date noted above. Please complete the student section below and present it when you place your order. Thank you.
Student Section
Student Name: ______________________________
Class Title: _________________________________
Teachers Name: _____________________________
(Please provide teachers name, not room number)
The classroom with the most participation wins a free pizza party!
Ticket #: _________ Amount: $____________ Cashier: ____________