Fundraising? Hows everyone doing it?


New member
Hey everyone, seems like our fundraisers have gone a little stale. Partly because we haven’t really pushed them, but I also feel things are changing in the fundraising area. Currently, we are doing benefit nights to groups/schools. We donate 20% of sales brought in by the group/school back to the group/school. We supply all digital graphics for the event with a list of things to do to have a successful benefit night.

We also, offer fundraiser cards with 1 FREE pizza and seven BOGO sticker deals on the card P/U only. Group purchases the card from us for $10.00 and resells for $15 and up.

Is anyone doing anything different that might draw sales?
We’ve done a few through groupraise website, they charge a flat fee per booking. You can limit days and hours through it. We get about one per month but we don’t push it much, it’s mostly the same 2 or 3 groups that do it every few months.