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Garlic Butter Dipping Sauce


New member
I serve a garlic butter dipping sauce with bread sticks and cheese sticks.

I know that Papa John’s put one of these cups with every pizza that goes out. I have been looking in to doing the same thing. I think my customers would like it.

I don’t know if it is worth the extra cost, but I am sure that if it wasn’t PJ’s would be doing it.

Any opinions on this?
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i wouldnt give one out with every order . my girls offer crushed red peppers, bannana peppers , shake cheese packets ,garlic butter and jalepenos.why give out stuff there gonna trash if they dont like it? if they like it and know you got it they will ask !for what they like i dont really have any abuse problems with product if they get carried away i tell them i will have to charge them
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We used to give out a cup of garlic dipping sauce with each pizza as well. Right up until the company did a study that showed over 68% of the cups given away for free were being tossed. Why would you want to add another cost like that ?

Offer it and other dipping sauce(honey mustard, ranch, marinara, pizza sauce) for .50/.60 cents each and make alittle more rather than create another cost for yourself.

If this is something you feel strongly about, increase the price of your pizzas by .25/.35 cents and put one in each box. But just an FYI, those customers in the same study overwhelmingly said they saw the dipping sauce as ‘no greater value’ than just getting the pizza.
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I agree, let’em pay if they want to dip. Personally, I shake my head when people order chain pizza, it’s like drinking Piel’s or Meistebrau. There are certain things the chains do that I admire, like good systems or layout. But filling my crust with cheese or giving dipping sauces isn’t one of them. Viva La Independents!
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In response to higher costs I recently added a 25 cent fee for sides of ranch, marinara etc. At least it covers my cost. Same with salad dressings. I was amazed how many folks were asking for 3-4 dressings with a salad!
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how to do a garlic butter dipping sauce? recipe?
Just buy Kaola Gold butter substitute add some honey,granulated garlic and salt and pepper.This is a cheap and tasty dip.Any butter sub will do I guess.
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how to do a garlic butter dipping sauce? recipe?
Mine is: open gallon jug of garlic flavored margarine; pour into 4 ounce souffle cup; place lid on cup; serve.

Their are good products out there on the market. Ask your food rep to find you some options at their shop.
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Can you use that as a garlic butter base for pizzas too?
If you mean what I use, the answer is very emphatic YES. We have three signature pies that use this garlic goo, as well as our cheese stix varieties. Cinnamon stix use regular liquid marg.

Be aware of how much you are using, though. One needs remember that a significant percentage of the volume of liquid margarine is “Water”.
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