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I haven’t researched the past threads here, but is there practical experience to support either gas or electric as being more economical, relative to pizza ovens? I raise the question only because I was intrigued by the Pizzamaster ovens suggested by Souspiazziolo in a previous thread.
The video shows an absolutely perfect (at least to my eye) Neapolitan style pie baked in under 2 minutes in a 900 degree F oven. They are made in Sweden, and they make both gas and ekectric models. There are different attributes to both energy sources, but if you are considering a new oven, why not also consider the energy costs?
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Since the cost of energy varies so much across the country, even within the same state, you should get the spec sheets on the oven in both gas and electric showing the energy consumption then take this information to your local utilities company and ask them for an operating cost. Anything else is sheet speculation.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I cannot comment on energy usage, but I will comment on how much I absolutely love my electric pizza ovens (Sveba Dahlen, Classic Pizza models,)
I have only ever baked in gas ovens, when I bought our current location there was a stack of three ovens here, about 12-13 years old. I was a little leary if they’d bake correctly or not.
The adjustability of them to get that perfect bake is beyond impressive.
I set my main temp, then I can tweak my deck heat, my top heat, and the front to back differential all independently of each other . They take nearly an hour to warm up, the massive magnetic contactors click and clack loudly when their operating temp is near. They are lighted inside, and they have glass doors to view your pies as they bake. If I ever get an “Over Temp” condition, I can pull a lever to vent my excess heat.

Here is a link to the newer model of the ovens we use, mine are not digital controls, they are dials. >>>>> Deck oven.pdf
You’ll need 3-phase electric to run these
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Electric ovens are most always more costly to operate than gas.

Temperature recovery time is slower in electrically heated ovens as compared to gas.

When gas burns in the presence of oxygen moisture is created that helps to prevent the product from drying out.

George Mills
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