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George Mills plz help!

Fun fact, tagging a user by putting the @ symbol in front of their name sends them a message that they’ve been tagged. This one’s for you @George Mills
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The having to have the lower door open on warm up suggests a lack of oxygen for combustion. Perhaps you are not bringing in enough make up air for proper combustion.How many Cfm are you exhausting and how much make up air are you bringing in?
George Mills
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If you have a hood and exhaust fan you need to replace the air exhausted from the building.
George Mills
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George, Benny
I finally figured out our issue - may or may not be relevant to you, but thought I’d share.
I found out that the back side of the combination valve, where the electrical connector to the solenoid is (George, correct me if my terminology is wrong please) was very close to the frame around the door opening (the small door where the valve is). What would happen is that when the oven would heat up, and conditions were just right, the gas pipes and/or the chassis of the oven would expand and move the combination valve just enough to where the electrical connector would short out against that ground and, of course, shut down the gas flow immediately.

We fought and fought with the thing, until one day just happened to see it in action - made perfect sense. Then, it was an easy fix - just loosened the two union connectors and turned the valve slightly. Voila - fixed!

Now, I’m not really sure how opening up the lower door played in this whole equation because as it turns out (for us anyway) it had nothing to do with combustion issues, makeup air etc. But, we sure did think that it did because for some reason opening the door seemed to make a difference. Must have affected the amount of expansion and contraction of the oven parts just enough to make a difference.

Hopefully this will help someone else - at least give you one other thing to check.

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I was getting ready to ask why our identical bottom oven would never have this issue and I guess theres my answer!!can you post a picture as a reference?I can give you my cell if it would make it easier to send pictures Wholly Stromboli
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Hey Benny - sorry for the delayed response. Yes, I’ll get a picture for your in the next few days after I return to the restaurant.
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Here is that pic I promised. It’s kind of difficult to see, but I think you can see how close the solenoid lead is to the frame of the oven. It was very close, like 1/16" until I turned the plumbing and brought it to about 1/4" instead. The thermopile leads appear to be close too, and if shorted out would also cause the gas to stop flowing, but the picture is a bit misleading - they aren’t as close as they appear - but are worth taking a look at just to be sure.
Hope that helps.
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