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Get a Wrap!!


New member
This might get a little bit wordy - advance apologies given.

Sales in April thru the 1st week in May had been really sluggish - April had, in fact, been the 1st month in which sales were down from the preceding year since moving to our new location. On May 5th, I got my 92 4Runner back from the sign guy with my new vinyl wrap. Sales the week before getting it: $9800, the next week: $10400, the following week, 11,500, the next week, 11,900, and last week 12,800. I’m sure there are other factors involved, but from a marketing standpoint, the wrap is the only thing different from what I’ve done in prior months. A good portion (at least 50%) of the increase I attribute to the wrap.

The reason why (and the reason it’s probably most effective for my particular situation) is that, while I’m located on one of Denver’s most heavily traveled streets, I am in a shopping center that’s really too small to draw significant traffic into the center, the signage available to me is pi$$ poor, and my storefront is too far off the street to be visible unless you’re looking for it. Since getting the wrap, I keep the truck parked virtually all the time where it will be most visible to people driving by and from the Starbucks & McD’s across the street.

What’s best, from my POV, is that it’s “Fire & Forget” marketing - there’s no follow up work to do, other than the occasional car wash and making sure to drive it often enough to keep it in running condition.

I’ll be happy to put up a photo if someone can tutor me how to do it (and if I can find my digital camera)!
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Please post a picture and let us know how much you paid to get the wrap. Paul7979 had his smart car wrapped a little while ago and it looked awesome. Congrats on the success.
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