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getting PH's customers back


New member
The new PH in our town has been open for about a month now. I have been driving around on trash days and looking for addresses with PH boxes in the trash. I now have a pretty good list of houses and want to send them an offer and a menu. I can’t decide what to send either 50% off a pizza, free app, BOGO, good package deal, gift card… Any ideas? What would you send them?
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Crusher I commend you on the relentless hunt for new customers…but on the other hand I can see the headline now: " Pizza shop owner hit with 1000 restraining orders after found stuck in garbage can writing down personal info off pizza boxes " !!! 😛

Note: I am just giving you a hard time…I realize you are not dumpster diving just driving by. Now if you were to get the order info off the box you could personalize each offer accordingly. “Hey, Mr Jones…I see you like Chicago style with sausage and mushrooms and light on the sauce…right? Oh, and don’t worry we got your credit card info already on file… you should really shread those statements…and you are out of Frosted Flakes!!!” :shock:
How about a FREE large 1-topping pizza? I do my weekly drive around on garbage day and if a house has competitors pizza box they get a certificate on their door for a FREE 1-topping pizza. I have one customer that consistently orders $30 a week and they became my customer with the FREE pizza offer.
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I’m wondering if maybe I should just give it more time. They’ve only been open for a month in our small town of 7000 and maybe the newness of having a PH in town will wear off once people eat it. Then after a few more months, send free pizza certificates to those addresses that are still ordering from them.
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Anyone eating PH is clearly looking for a bargain so i would give them a good coupon.

Ya may want to just send a small postcard (it will be a bit cheaper) with a great special on it.

Then box top your boxes with a menu. Each order a magnet. It will keep the cost down.

If money is no object I would send them a magnet, menu and a coupon for a free appetizer or a Large pizza for $great price.

I personally like using post cards cuz it is in their face for at least a few seconds where an envelope may just end up in the trash without being opened.

Be aware that PH and D always run cheap specials October and November. Cheaper than usual, if that’s possible.

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Wait the month or two then see how things are. PH pizza will sell itself short eveytime. Then if need be send out a free app with a large pizza purchase. Don’t give it away unless you really have too! You will breed bargin hunters for your pizza.