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Gift Cards - Stored Value Cards


New member
I am doing some research on gift cards (we currently use paper gift certificates), and was wondering if any of you guys have experiences to share with your programs?

We use Micros 3700 for our POS system, and it seems there are several companies that would be compatible. I’m just looking for any advice you may have in switching from paper G.C.s to cards.

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I think with the cards you’d have to pay a fee per transaction, and with paper you don’t.
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That is true, but paper gift certificates are more difficult to track, plus people rarely keep a paper gift certificate with them. I think the “billboard in the wallet” train of thought could put more value into a gift card…
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I would have to agree with you 100%. I wasn’t trying to turn you away, just wanted to make sure you’re aware so you don’t hit your head down the road. I’d much rather have the plastic than paper any day.
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Just before the holidays I switched from paper gift certs to gift cards. I went with a company called Valutec. They were easy to work with very professional at a great price. Hope that helps.
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Because I am only 1 store, I have gift cards with my logo, but I track them on my own pc using Trinity Easy Gift Card software that I downloaded for free. Actually not as troublesome as I expected, plus no fees!

May not be the solution for everyone, but works for me…
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is that “free” for 14 days, then $995 after that? If not, I’d love to have the link for the free full feature download that doesn’t expire. Like to try it out, but $1000 is kinda steep for me for something like that.
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What do the credit card processors charge to handle gift cards?..Might take an awful lot of transactions before the $1,000s is paid off…
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So far, I have seen a couple of different scenarios from the card processors…

#1 - Monthly flat fee, or a per transaction fee.
The per transaction fees are kind of wide spread… I have seen anywhere from $.30 to $.65 per transaction. That means any time a customer checks their balance, uses the card, re-fills the card, etc…

#2 - No fees, but you have to run your credit card transactions through the gift card processor.
Definitely a money saver for the gift cards, but you have to be careful not to get screwed on the credit card processing fees.

I am going to talk with my current Merchant Services provider to see if they have a gift card program in place that is compatible with my POS system. We shall see! 🙂
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I have been using Valutec and I love them. Much better than paper…faster and convenient for customer plus less headaches for me.
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i use my pos currantly but Before the holiday rolls around I am going to be using gorilla gift cards, I like you think the billboard in the pocket is the best way. I want to find the best econmic solution though
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Nick, wow, I can’t find the link anymore. I can tell you that I am using Trinity Easy Gift Card version 1.1.2, and the $995 for version 2.0. Maybe you can do a better search than I. Otherwise, I’ll be happy email this version to you. whats your email address?
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