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Gift Cards


New member
Anyone know of a Gift Card program or vendor they’d recommend?
I’d like something I can use (swipe) with my POS, but the only one they pointed me to had an initial cost that was more than I can handle sinking into right now.
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Don’t know who you can call… but have a suggestion over calling it a “gift card” We had trouble when we first started this program because people immediatly associated this swipe card as a gift… We would have been much better served to call it a “loyalty card” or just simply “Your business name here Card” or “Fill 'er up card”… just stay away from the word “gift”. My humble opinion from experience.
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Oh, yes - I totally agree.
I planned to offer it as a ‘branded’ card, with our name or some cute name. I just called it a “gift card” as that seems to be what the vendors who offer them call it…
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