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Gluten Free 14"


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Had a manager meeting this morning and my crew reminded me that they are still getting a lot of requests for gluten free.

What crusts have people found that they like. I tied the Venice Bakery crust and liked it but have not found that I can order it here…

I am looking for a 14" crust.
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Venice Bakery is our choice after trying a number of brands. US Foods in the SF Bay area carries the 12", product number 1855048. Can your US Food rep special order it?
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I sell a 10" which seems to be the most commonly available size but I think that is changing as the popularity grows.
The 10" is kind of stupid but, by the same token, it solves the “one person needs a GF crust” issue.
Still, it’s a limiting size. And not cheap, either.
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Venice Bakery is our choice after trying a number of brands. US Foods in the SF Bay area carries the 12", product number 1855048. Can your US Food rep special order it?
In our area Sysco shows the 12" product in the system but it is still a special order item. I do not think US Food has it here. We can deal with the special order thing if we have to. We have several specialty items that we buy that way.

I am planning to only offer a single size and I am going with 14" as I think the upcharge will be less shocking in the larger size. We do not really do any single serving business in pizza.
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I use Ambrosien Foods here in Boulder. They are a local company (produced in Longmont). They have contracts setup with several suppliers now, including Roma (which is my delivery company, but i still use there special carrier since i am 7 miles away).

Pretty sure they carry 10/12/14" and maybe even 16".
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I’ll second what d9phoenix said. We also use Ambrosien and have been happy with them. We used to use Gluten Free Bistro (also in Boulder) but switched to Ambrosien because we felt their product was better and at a lower cost too.
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Found that USFood can bring in the Venice Bakery 14" product so we are good to go. Cost is about $3 each. We do end up saving the cost of the regular dough so I figure the incremental cost at about $2.40. On a straight food cost calculation that would mean that I should charge an additional $8 which clearly will not work…
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From US Food Service we are paying $45.60/20 count for the 12" or $2.28/crust and sell a cheese for $12 and $13 with toppings.
Roma charges the following:
10"-$29.99/24 count or $1.25/crust.
12"-$43.31/20 count or $2.16/crust
14"-$49.55/20 count or $2.48/crust
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Found that USFood can bring in the Venice Bakery 14" product so we are good to go. Cost is about $3 each. We do end up saving the cost of the regular dough so I figure the incremental cost at about $2.40. On a straight food cost calculation that would mean that I should charge an additional $8 which clearly will not work…
I just charge a flat $3.00 (i am not 100% certain but close enough) up-charge for both the 10" and 12". The Gluten Free crusts are on their own menu and i do not allow coupons to be used with them. I do allow buy one pizza get the 2nd half price, BUT only because Revention allows the up-charge to still be charged full price.

Very few complaints once i implemented this system, Most everyone who orders GF is just happy we carry it as an option and they are more then willing to pay “regular” price.
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I use the Venice 12". Customers do ask for bigger ones. They like them enough, order them over again. I pay almost $50 for 20 12", rip-off IMHO for what’s essentially a cracker, lol. I had them separated in the beginning, but now I just treat it like a 3 dollar topping on our 12" pies. So, 13.95 for a 12". We had bad luck with them in the beginning and a few complaints, haha, but we figured it out okay. When someone orders one, we take it out of the freezer, put it on a disc, into our deck oven to thaw, then put it on a cool disc and to the table to make, back to the oven. Takes a bit longer for them to bake than a regular pie.
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With the Ambrosien product i use, we just take it out of the Freezer, throw it on a screen make the pizza and then throw it in the oven. Sometimes we have to push it back alittle bit well done style to finish baking off the excess moisture, but less then 50% of the time.
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When we tested the Venice product about 5 years ago we just took it from the freezer, put it on the screen, made the pizza and ran it through the oven. Came out just fine. We do have our ovens set for 7 minute bake time though. I could see one time through not being quite enough if you work with a higher temp/shorter bake set-up.
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Our 14" Venice crust just went from 44 to 49.12 from Roma which I thought was a bit of a ridiculous price hike. I contacted them (venice) in regards to finding another way to get their product before being priced out by one of their distributors. Just trying to get a gauge on my options really because nobody else I work with (or dont work with) carries it and the customers love it. Anyway, I just charge an additional 3.50 for the Gluten Free, customers don’t mind as everybody else in town charges a similar price for a smaller crust.
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Do all of these GF crusts you mention above contain potato flour or potato starch? I would like to carry a GF pizza, but only if I can eat it!
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Got a new quote at $54 and Sysco will stock the item for us so we do not have to special order it!
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14" Venice Bakery crusts arrived today. We will be running a couple of test pies in the morning and, in all likelyhood, be serving by tomorrow night.
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14" Venice Bakery crusts arrived today. We will be running a couple of test pies in the morning and, in all likelyhood, be serving by tomorrow night.
I am sure you don’t need to be told this but for the sake of everyone who does GF here are the things that I remind my staff of EVERYTIME

  • []In many cases the customer can become very ill if proper handling is not followed to the letter
    ]nothing that is used for the GF pizza can ever come in contact with regular dough
  • always be aware of the ingredients you are putting on the pizza (know which may contain gluten)
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