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Gluten Free Pizza


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I know this may seem like a dumb question,but here it goes anyway. What makes a gluten free pizza gluten free? How would I go about adding it to my menu?
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Gluten free will not have any wheat flour, or a lot of other kinds of flour (semolina…)

Potatoes and corn and rice are gluten free I am pretty sure.

I don’t know of any good recipes though.
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Zero wheat product. Instead a “flour mix” that I am playing with right now has white rice, sorghum, soy, corn starch, tapioca starch and Xanthan gum for a binder. I think it may be possible to make a passable crust, passable for those folks that must avoid, or choose to avoid the “real” thing. But it’s not going to replace anyones regular dough that’s for sure!!
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If you want to learn more about gluten-free just Google “Celiac Disease” and you will enter into the world of gluten-free.
One product that comes to mind is Domata [email protected] They have a number of GF flours and mixes.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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The big thing to keep in mind about gluten free is that your gluten free dough must be 100% gluten free. Meaning, you CANNOT use the same mixer to make the dough, even small amounts of flour, even that which is floating in the air can cause problems. I have alot of customers that have gluten allergies (that purchase for their family members) and they have asked me about making a gluten free dough. When I contacted my health department, and the celiac foundation they told me that it is IMPOSSIBLE to make my own on site because I have flour in the premises and it floats in the air. Hence if I make it myself I can call it wheat free only. The only way I have found around it is to purchase gluten free pressed dough, keep it in a sealed bag, place it in a plastic box that is always sealed and make with items that are also gluten free that is freshly opened with clean utensils, etc etc etc. I only make these orders once a week, and they must give me notice by tuesday if they want it for Friday or Saturday. This is the only way to be truly gluten free as possible and still dont gaurentee this. If you try any other method you are risking hurting your customers. Is it worth all the trouble. To my customers it is. I enjoy being able to help them, but it is alot of work, and effort. Do others take less steps? Of course they do. But if you have someone who is truly sensitive, you run a great risk for them. Not to mention there isnt very many people who are willing to let you do it for them because they are afraid you might mess up, and you just might, so many endless possibilites of making a mistake. So if you want to make a gluten free pizza, go ahead, but label it as wheat free, some less sensitive celiacs are able to take a few air born wheat particles, some are not, and they are the only ones who can make that choice. Let your customers know that you have used all wheat free products, and tried your very very best, but legally cannot call it gluten free as it is “possible” there are particles.

Hope that helps 🙂
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Tom has posted some great info on gluten free dough on this site.

We use individually wrapped dough from a local gluten free bakery that is spectacular. We wash any and everything that comes in contact with it. We also have disclaimers on site and on our web site that states that anyone allergic to gluten should not set food in our shop. Flour contaminates everything in a pizzeria so you must be vigilant.
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