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Going going gone?


New member
Well we may have a deal on our second location…as many of you know we had it on the market for a few months and then didn’t relist because it was a hassle and headache…well wouldn’t you know after we took it off the market our agent called and asked if we would be interested in doing a one party listing for someone interested…we said what the heck…they came and looked, made an offer, we accepted and are now just waiting on a few loose ends. I know nothing is for sure until we get a check but mannnnnn, I am excited!

I will keep you posted!

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Hey Kris… Congratulations on the sale… any advice you can give me on how you went about it would be great. We’ve been thinking about it and contacted a broker who pretty much said this wasn’t the time to sell and I should hold onto it or try to sell it locally. We have been in business for 4 years and its time for us to get out. We have 4 children and need to take a step back at this point. What’s the best way to start this process?
Well wouldn’t you know it…the deal is dead. ARGHHH… What a few couple of days we have had. Anyway we have decided to dust off and go full throttle for a season (or two or three) and hopefully get things squared away. I sure do need some time off but in the long run this is financially what is better for us, but man I am emotionally exhausted.

As for you duke, make sure to get a commercial sales broker (I would go local). We were only selling the real estate not the business. Make sure to have a good agent who is willing to weed out the worthless lookers, who regularly updates you and realizes deadlines are deadlines.

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Darn…Sorry to hear your news Kris…Hopefully the tide will turn and you will end up with a better deal later on…
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