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Going on Vacation....


New member
My wife and I are leaving Tuesday for a two week trip to Spain. The last time we did a vacation longer than a week was either 2006 or 2007… kind of lost track. Both our children are in college now, so this is the first year that we have been able to pick a vacation time not dictated by the school district!

Wish us well… any pizza in Spain that anyone knows of?
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I hope you enjoy the time away. I am also leaving the store for 2 weeks in Hawaii.
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Telepizza is the biggest chain in Spain, a cuban american opened and was a hit. Never taste their pizza but its a business model that Harvard Business School use to study. Hope you have a great trip to the Madre Patria. Ole!
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Whats this “Vacation” thing you speak of?
I am unfamiliar with that word.

Have fun, sounds great!
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Oh dang it! I can’t believe I didn’t see this post until just now. I indeed have a couple of places! I’ll email Bodegahwy directly.
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