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Woundering its been while to get some news from
J-ROKK…HOW ARE YOU BUD…How is your business in your 1 st store…please let us know any update…
Any news from gobpile…any one…
We all need good wisdom from Nick…Daddio, J-rokk …Beside Nick Its time that we hear from our these family members…
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No news <> since they closed up shop last year sometime. Sad to hear they didn’t make it.
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Who closed last year?
gobpile closed up shop.
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I completely missed that sentance. I thought maybe he was talking about Jrock…and thinking what??? I would imagine Jrock is still busy getting things squared away running 2 is twice the headaches…and it would be just like him to be working on store 3 and 4. :lol:
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I don’t post much, but read often.
Curious about j-rokk. I looked at Wheat State Pizza’s website, and the Junction City location is no longer listed.
I know he was struggling with store 2, but I certainly hope store 1 is still going.
Anyone know?
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No answer at this shop phone at 3:30. I hope that is because of lull between shifts or no lunch shift today.

I’m worried now. Been a while since I contacted him, and he was just coming up for air and turning a corner.
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I called the Papa Murphys Take-n-Bake located just down the road from j_r0kks shop.

The woman that answered the phone informed me that his shop went out of business.

Very sad.
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J_r0kk’s store (the first one) was listed for sale on the Pizza Today classifieds a few weeks ago. It was only there for a day or so and then disappeared. I was hoping for the best that maybe he was just looking to do something else.

Hearing he closed up is very sad. He was a great guy.
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This is what almost happened to me when i opened store #2. Bigger doesn’t always mean better. Its impossible to be at 2 places at one time, and you’d be really surprised what goes on when your not around.
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Are you guys kidding me …
J rock is a piller for our pmq community like many others…
We need his wisedom and encouragement…
J rock if you are reading this please replay and just let us know you are ok.
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just tried his cell not working,

Jim godbless and goodluck in the future thanks for all your help

Dennis (aka Fat Boy)
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The Fat Boy:
Jim godbless and goodluck in the future thanks for all your help

Dennis (aka Fat Boy)
And so say all of us.

Great pity for such a great guy who was only too willing to help others.

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The man is a winner and will find a place to succeed somewhere. His impression lingers in many businesses across the country . . . and the wild frontiers of Australia.
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It is so very tough to make a go of it in business these days! I feel very sorry to hear about Jim and the closure of his store, he is a great guy and I am sure he will struggle to get himself back on top very soon. I know how he feels as I am currently struggling with my store that has still not even opened!!! I have been under construction for about a year and a half so far, and in January I found out that my contractor was going bankrupt. He also managed to draw over $650,000 from my bank and they only secured a bit over $65,000 in unconditional lien waivers!!! Needless to say he didn’t pay hardly anyone so we are looking at an additional $600,000 in debt that we had not planned on. I just hope we can survive it and get open soon, really soon! We have hired a new contractor and he is currently working on our new budget, and hopefully we can restart construction in about two weeks. What does not kill you only makes you stronger, right! Good luck Jim, and we are all hoping to see you back in business again someday soon!
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It is so very tough to make a go of it in business these days! I feel very sorry to hear about Jim and the closure of his store, he is a great guy and I am sure he will struggle to get himself back on top very soon. I know how he feels as I am currently struggling with my store that has still not even opened!!! I have been under construction for about a year and a half so far, and in January I found out that my contractor was going bankrupt. He also managed to draw over $650,000 from my bank and they only secured a bit over $65,000 in unconditional lien waivers!!! Needless to say he didn’t pay hardly anyone so we are looking at an additional $600,000 in debt that we had not planned on. I just hope we can survive it and get open soon, really soon! We have hired a new contractor and he is currently working on our new budget, and hopefully we can restart construction in about two weeks. What does not kill you only makes you stronger, right! Good luck Jim, and we are all hoping to see you back in business again someday soon!
This is why pmq community is the best… we all take care of each other and look out to help.
Jim, you are the best in what ever you do…we are always here for you if you need any thing just give us a try.
As far as you go , Pizzamango how come you have 650,000 construction cost, is it on high side .
Almost year and half and still not open…how are you surviving…We hope to have you good luck and soon opening…
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My total construction costs are wayyyyy higher than that, but I am a 12,000 square foot family entertainment center. I will, if I ever get open, seat 400 people and have an arcade that is about 3,500 square feet. As far as surviving goes we are selling our house so that we can still make a go of it! Only time will tell. Thanks for the well wishes, I really need them!
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