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Good Help.


New member
How does everyone find good help? We’re relatively new to this (approx 9 months) and we’re finding it really difficult to get candidates. We’re currently looking for a part time pizza maker.
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How does everyone find good help? We’re relatively new to this (approx 9 months) and we’re finding it really difficult to get candidates. We’re currently looking for a part time pizza maker.
Hi Alb,

What tools are you utilizing to find quality people that willl accept PT? If you’re a tossed shop, that takes skill and experience. Are you willing to pay for that? If you are using craigslist, are you listing the name of your location?

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I have excellent help; unfortunately it only took me about three years to figure out how to hire good employees. My best luck with hiring part time help is high school kids, that are preferable sophomores or juniors and planning to attend the local community college. I work around their schedule and let them know upfront that I want them to be with me for the long term, the next 4 + years until they graduate.

I would also, if at all possible hire one full time employee instead of two or three part time. The full time employee often needs money and has to work, he/she is not getting money for a concert, a new… he/she is working to pay their bills.
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I have excellent help; unfortunately it only took me about three years to figure out thihow to hire good employees. My best luck with hiring part time help is high school kids, that are preferable sophomores or juniors and planning to attend the local community college. I work around their schedule and let them know upfront that I want them to be with me for the long term, the next 4 + years until they graduate.

I would also, if at all possible hire one full time employee instead of two or three part time. The full time employee often needs money and has to work, he/she is not getting money for a concert, a new… he/she is working to pay their bills.
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Just to add to this a little. I agree with the hire a FT if possible and for another reason. There is nothing wrong with HS students that fill your rush times. Easy to do… they are not in school during dinner and on weekends. The FT will have other benefits for you as they most likely have higher financial responsibilities. They need the money more than the HS or college kids do. That said… take a look at what you offer for a pay package and benefits. How much would it cost you to offer better pay and other perks? How would that expense be offset by less headaches and more free time for you by having more responsible and company supporting employees? This all falls under the trust conversation in other threads here on the TT. Hire and train key people in your operation and you should be able to expand business and make your life a whole lot easier in the process. :idea:
Thanks everyone for the input.

We’ve tried Craigslist, contacted the local voc school and have posted a help wanted sign at the shop.
Not a lot of luck so far.

We make our own dough and use a Baker’s pride oven. Sauce is home made. We also have a saute station for Italian dishes, again with all in house sauces. I’m not the expert here. This is really my son’s shop but from my untrained eye it does seem a little more technical than most operations.
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I would also, if at all possible hire one full time employee instead of two or three part time. The full time employee often needs money and has to work, he/she is not getting money for a concert, a new… he/she is working to pay their bills.
I see the point but having several PT means you can get cover easier when it does get busy, or illness or vacation etc. Depending on the size of operation a mixture would be best. We have been lucky and simply had friends of existing PT staff join, although this could backfire, at the moment it works fine.
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Our best help wanted advertising is box-top fliers.

HELP Wanted
Cook, full time 35+ hours
Kitchen Experience Preferred
Please apply in person!

We print it in large font and repeat 4X on single 8.5X11 sheet. Take it Postnet and make 250 copies and cut into strips. We put it on every box going out along with our regular box topper.

I can send 1000 of them out for $10 and it works better than a newspaper classified that costs me $100.
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