Google reviews giving stress


Our Bussiness is running well.
Now the dough texture which was a cause of my stress , is good as well.
My staff and me tries give best customer service all the time.
But still sometimes we get 1 star reviews on google.
Mostly people give good reviews
Is someone tries to make good rating on google
Ours is 4.1 rating
If the review is real, it should give you stress. Fix the problem.

Some Google reviews are fake. I once received a 1 star review. I checked the reviewer and found out that he made over 300+ reviews, all within an hour. Obviously this is some sort of hacker/troll who has found a way to make money using Google reviews. You can file a protest with Google, but it usually does nothing.

When I get a 1 star review like that, I reach out to repeat customers on slow nights (Monday in my store) and ask them nicely to help me combat the hacker by posting a good review (since they are repeat customers, they typically like us and agree). This doesn’t get rid of the bad review, but pushes it down the list of reviews, so it is not the first thing seen by new customers.
I used to sweat the reviews. We usually get great reviews (google 4.3 stars with 180 reviews). What I found personally is a lot of customer only seem to be motivated to leave a review when they are not happy with their food. I actually got a review from someone who wrote they have been ordering off me for over twenty years and everything was always great and then proceeded to leave a scathing review on their most recent order. Where were their keyboards the other 20 years when things were great?

I decided to not read any reviews. Good or Bad. I have someone on staff who looks at them and if they feel one is a legitimate complaint and needs to be dealt with they then bring it too my attention. Otherwise I am blissfully stress free, unaware of the online drama.