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grams of protein per pie


New member
Hi. Had a customer ask me how many grams of protein in a pie. Could someone help me find a site to figure it out - or if any of you guys (or gals) keep that on hand for your customers. I haven’t had anyone ask in 3 years. Thanks -
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I think Tom Lehman has someone at AIB that can analyze your recipe and give you nutritional facts. If you just want a vauge idea, check out the nutritional info on the vocelli pizza website.
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With just about everything you put into and onto the pizza contributing atleast some protein, the amount of protein provided by any pizza will be dependant upon the exact dough formulation as well as the exact type and amount of toppings. There are some programs available that will give you a very rough estimate, but exact numbers, like those needed for schools will need to be determined with an approved program or through assay determination.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
With just about everything you put into and onto the pizza contributing atleast some protein, the amount of protein provided by any pizza will be dependant upon the exact dough formulation as well as the exact type and amount of toppings. There are some programs available that will give you a very rough estimate, but exact numbers, like those needed for schools will need to be determined with an approved program or through assay determination.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
I am curious now, is there a rough estimate of the range of protein found in a typical 14" pizza made with 16 ounces of dough, 4 ounces tomato sauce, and 8 ounces of cheese…
Obviously this would vary with each type/brand of the 3 main ingredients.
Otis Gunn:
I am curious now, is there a rough estimate of the range of protein found in a typical 14" pizza made with 16 ounces of dough, 4 ounces tomato sauce, and 8 ounces of cheese…
Obviously this would vary with each type/brand of the 3 main ingredients.
I think you just have to do the math yourself for your recipe and ingredients:

To get protein per pie:

Dough: calculate the total protein in the flour you use in the entire recipe, divide by the number of ounces of dough you make, then multiply by weight of your dough ball. Yeah, I know that’s big numbers to calculate with 50 lbs of flour.

Sauce: add all ingredients, divide to get protein per ounce, then figure how many ounces you use on pie

Cheese: This one should be easiest using the info on the nutritional label and number of ounces on pie.

Then, to get the “per slice” numbers, divide the pie total by number of slices. We all know this will be theoretical unless you are using a slicing guide or one of those rocking 8-slice cutters. You only have to go through this exercise once for each size, I would guess, to get the cheese pizza numbers. Then you can just extrapolate for the toppings you add to your other pies.

As for “hard” numbers, you prolly need to send a sample off to get assayed. Even nutritional labels are quoting ‘average’ sample numbers, and cannot be exact from bag to bag on every single production run. They have ranges they have to be in, but still.
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Hi. Had a customer ask me how many grams of protein in a pie. Could someone help me find a site to figure it out - or if any of you guys (or gals) keep that on hand for your customers. I haven’t had anyone ask in 3 years. Thanks -
If you’ve worked out your food cost before, you can use those calculations to figure out your nutritional numbers.

For example, let’s say you buy cheese in 20 lbs cases, each one costs you $40 and you use one lbs of cheese on a large pizza.

Then $40/20lbs = $2/lbs * 1 lbs/pizza = a cheese cost for you of $2 per pizza.

Then look at the nutrition fact label (hopefully there is one - otherwise surf the web for nutrition facts on your type of cheese). The label looks like this:
At the top is a “servings per container” and towards the middle is a “protein” figure (this is “per serving”). Simply multiply the # of servings per container times the grams of protein per serving to figure out how mush protein is in the entire case.

Then plug that number back into your equation in the place of $cost. (now without knowing what type of cheese you’re using, I’m just gonna say that it has 6 grams of protein per ounce, so a 20lbs case is gonna contain 1920 grams of protein. (6 grams per ounce x 16 ounces per lbs x 20 lbs per case)).

So… 1920 grams/20 lbs = 96 grams/lbs * 1 lbs/pizza = 96 grams of protein per pizza from cheese.

Now do that for every ingredient (flour, oil, tomato sauce, etc.) that goes into a large cheese pizza and add the grams all up to find out how many grams of protein are in each large cheese pizza you sell. Divide by the number of slices you cut it into to figure out grams per slice.

Yes, this is a HUGE pain-in-the-hindquarters! But if you’re handy with an Excel spreadsheet, you can grab the labels and figure out every nutritional component in short order.

Once you figure it all out, you’ll have the information to give to anyone who wants it. Just put a “Figures determined from available reference data, may not comply with Nutrition Facts labeling requirements” disclaimer at the bottom.
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We do have some of that information in our November1984 AIB Technical Bulletin (see the MANAGER’S TOOL BOX). per 100 grams of baked pizza the following are rough averages:
Cheese Pizza: 9.2 grams of protein.
Sausage Pizza: 10.0 grams of protein.
Bacon Pizza: 10.8 grams of protein.
Hamburger Pizza: 11.6 grams of protein.
Remember, these numbers can vary quite a bit with the actual ingredients used and the amounts of toppings. These values were taken as an overall average.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
We do have some of that information in our November1984 AIB Technical Bulletin (see the MANAGER’S TOOL BOX). per 100 grams of baked pizza the following are rough averages:
Cheese Pizza: 9.2 grams of protein.
Sausage Pizza: 10.0 grams of protein.
Bacon Pizza: 10.8 grams of protein.
Hamburger Pizza: 11.6 grams of protein.
Remember, these numbers can vary quite a bit with the actual ingredients used and the amounts of toppings. These values were taken as an overall average.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
looks like pizza has roughly 10% protein +or- around 1% thanks Tom,
that will be good enough for table talk,
thanks Tom,
