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Grande Cheese Pricing


New member
I know Grande is often the center of heated debate here, some love it, some hate it…I’m just wondering if anyone can give me a ballpark idea as to what their current pricing is, and how much of a difference there is to buy it shredded (also, how much more for their blends?). I need to purchase cheese from a company who has a good track record regarding the treatment of their dairy cows. I was originally looking at bringing moz in from the Petaluma Creamery in California, which has recently been certified by Certified Humane, but it looks like the majority of the dairy farms that supply Grande have a 5-Star rating from the DQA, and they offer a much greater selection of cheeses. Not as great as a Certified Humane rating, but I also need to be able to have an affordable pizza, and Grande may well be cheaper than shipping in “humane” moz…My local Grande Rep will be calling me early next week, I’d just like to have an idea what to expect. Thanks!
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$2.30 loaf. Indie are you buying shredded?..
I believe shredded has a $.30 difference around here. try the ricotta and fresh mozz. Both very good.
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I’m using the Mozz/Provo blend and the cheddar blend already shredded. Don’t have the volume to justify buying loafs yet.

I use the Grande Ricotta as well, but only about 4 lbs a week. Calzone sales have risen dramatically lately and I’ve created several pies that use Ricotta, so that usage should go up.
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One local distributor bent on getting in our door has me priced at get this…$1.82lb for the Grande East-Coast blend. Now, I’m not a fan of how it reacts on our pizza so we’re not going to switch, but it is tempting. We’re currently paying $2.57 lb for the blend we’re using.
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I’m too early in the planning stages for anyone to want to woo me with special pricing, but that’s good to know! 🙂
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since you are in my market I thought I’d let you know I get Grande from Nicholas Foods in SL, 2.32 a pound for loaf. It is 2.60 ish for the cubed, but I thought the coverage was better with the grated. I also am concerned with animal welfare. We only serve humane raised meats, some organic some not, and I could give you info on the products we use if you are interested.
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NEWSFLASH: Deaconvolker is now a nationwide distributor of Grande East Coast Blend @ $1.92 lbs. plus S & H. 😛

Oh… I want a cut of this for starting your new side business! :mrgreen:
Let’s do it Mike! Wanna bet there’d be a “unforeseen” price increase before too many weeks down the road? GFS has been knocking on my door and truthfully has some interesting pricing, but I’ve been in business long enough to know that the toss away pricing is going to evaporate before too long! If I liked the way Grande acted on our pies it may have been something to get excited about but for me, it’s too “greasy” and I’m sticking with the blend we’re currently using from another supplier.

Still looking for that “excellent” fresh, fennel-y, with a nice touch of garlic, sausage though…
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Thanks Paradox! You’re located down in Moab right? I’m definitely looking to use humanely raised meat as well. I’ve found some info through the Certified Humane website and am intending to buy pork from local ranches for grinding my own sausage, but I’d love to know what you’re buying for pepperoni and canadian bacon. I’m assuming you’ve had to price your pizzas a little higher to recoup the “humane” costs, have your customers been pretty understanding, or with Moab being on the touristy side, do they not notice?
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Our prices are competitive with other restaurants here and in CO. We are a new business still and I believe our commitment to quality is our key to success. Very few people comment on the price being high. I special order organic sausage and pepperoni through Sysco in Salt Lake. I buy prosciutto from La Quercia, in Iowa. They ship two day air. And yes we are in Moab.
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Thanks for the info! I’ll have to come check you guys out the next time I head down to Arches for a photography trip 🙂
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