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Grease Trap Cover


New member
Hey all,
Need some help here… the plumber installed the grease trap in the new shop… which they already concreted and tiled over… it’s in-ground and one side of it is flush with the floor, while the other side is 3/4" lower then the floor. So now I need some type of cover or something to go over this so my employees do not trip.

I was thinking diamond plate but what I’ve found at the big box stores seems to flimsy, and when they walk on it I know it will give way.

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My idea is a built up gasket for the lid. Neoprene rubber works great for my cover . . . and you could ework it out so it has an angled rise to what you need. Just a suggestion. Might even be able to use some RTV or other silicon product to build it up yourelf.
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How about lay tile with a thick bed of thinset or just add some more grout to level it off.
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How about lay tile with a thick bed of thinset or just add some more grout to level it off.
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There is about a 1.5" rim around the entire trap then the plastic cover sits into it… hard to explain, i’ll get some pics tomorrow and post them up.
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After seeing that picture, I’m going to go with my first thought but didn’t post - tell your contractor (or the installer) to fix that crap. It shouldn’t be up to you to figure out how to put a bandaid on it - the job should have been done right in the first place.
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It’s a bit to late to fix that now, they would have to rip up the entire area around it as it’s all concreted in now. It would delay our opening for who knows how long… as i’m already paying out $150 a day a rent.
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