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Grease traps

To keep the grease out of the public sewage lines. They slow the flow of water to allow the grease to separate and float to the top. Meanwhile the water that exits gets pushed up from the bottom of the grease trap to the exit so that the grease remains. Every so often the trap needs to be opened and cleaned. My county allows for a grease trap under my triple sink. I recently put a new larger one in my store that drains faster and is easier to clean. I am required to have a sewage pumping company come and clean my trap every month. Some areas require a much larger inground one. If you are allowed to put an under sink one in, DO NOT purchase a metal one. The finish fades and they get surface rust and sharp edges that’ll cut you every time you open it.
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From my experience, the ones Paul is talking about are allowed for “existing” restaurants/businesses. If you are a brand new installation, or you are bringing in new cooking equipment that did not exist before, they will require that the concrete be dug up and a big in ground grease trap be installed in line with your sewage. This runs into the thousands.

In one of our locations the only cooking equipment is the oven so we were not required to put anything in (existing) provided we kept to clean waste practices.
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That was my next question. Would I have to install one if all I plan to do are pizzas and sandwiches? The sandwiches will be mostly cold.
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number one best person to ask is the building inspector/building department types in your local municipality and/or county. They can tell you specifically waht is what in your city. We will all be speculating as to what is and is not in the building/development code in your town. We have good experience and can help . . . but the real law is found locally.

They are pretty helpful around my part of our state, so hopefully they will answer questions in your town as readily.
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Ask your health department. Both of our locations need one and they are both above ground. (we don’t have fryers) They run about 300-500 depending on the size. We were able to install ours ourselves. We also clean ours ourselves. Not a hard job just disgusting.

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Hi Guys:

Nick gave the answer .

The code for grease traps or interceptors varies widely.

We recently had some clients who were required to install 1000 gal units.

For many years we did hundreds of pizza shops and no grease trap was required

George Mills.
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