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GrubHub.... Is this really this hard of a company to deal with???


New member
Anybody have success with Grubhub? I am having multiple issues.
  1. When I received the tablet one of the first things I did was go purchase speakers so I could here the New GrubHub Order Announcement. The other day no announcement no phone call nothing. I had to comp the customers food when they called back.
2)Fake orders - They can’t stop these? What is the deal with that. I can’t and wont call back all cash orders

3)The reporting for Grub Hub is almost impossible to reconcile it seems as if they are trying to pull a fast one with how the financials work.

4)Anybody know if they comp the entire total for the fake orders that come thru? Or just the commission?

There is more but this seems like it is best fit for an owner operator working open to close 7 days a week. It seems as it needs a permanent babysitter to make sure thing run smoothly.

Am I the only one having these issues? Anybody else had problems with the service.
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Used them for 3 months 5 years ago when i purchased my store. Dropped them for various reasons. Some you have pointed out, some are new. Honestly if i were you i drop them completely, UNLESS they are a big enough portion of your income.
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Sounds like it’s time to dump them. Too many headaches.

If you can , get online ordering if you have a pos system or use another reliable more cost effective service.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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we don’t have many issues with them…they are a solid producer for us and they always comp the order, the fee, and anything else they can when there is an issue with a delivery. they are way better than any other third party order system.
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I used grubhub for a long time and recently switched to chownow. More control, built me an app, and small monthly fee instead of a percentage of order. Saved me a lot of money and most issues can be remedied yourself from the tablet that they supply. When I have had to contact customer service they’ve been much better than grubhub.
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Anybody have success with Grubhub? I am having multiple issues.
  1. When I received the tablet one of the first things I did was go purchase speakers so I could here the New GrubHub Order Announcement. The other day no announcement no phone call nothing. I had to comp the customers food when they called back.
2)Fake orders - They can’t stop these? What is the deal with that. I can’t and wont call back all cash orders

3)The reporting for Grub Hub is almost impossible to reconcile it seems as if they are trying to pull a fast one with how the financials work.

4)Anybody know if they comp the entire total for the fake orders that come thru? Or just the commission?

There is more but this seems like it is best fit for an owner operator working open to close 7 days a week. It seems as it needs a permanent babysitter to make sure thing run smoothly.

Am I the only one having these issues? Anybody else had problems with the service.
Drop them even if you think they are a big part of sales - I used them for a long time and since dropping them all those customers moved over to my integrated online ordering - unless you are in a Campus market, or don’t have any other solution for ONLINE orders - stay away from companies like this. You are just giving money away!
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You are not alone in your issues with GrubHub.

We hear this from a lot of our partners as well which is why we founded Slice[/URL]. We have built-in fraud protection and a 24/7 partner support to help you deal with any issues. Additionally, we have seen that the 15-30% commission is hurting the margins of many local, independent pizzerias. As a result, our fee is only a flat fee of $1.95 per order. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at 844-880-2346.
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Hmmm Let’s think this through…

For the sake of argument let’s assume they are doing well and bringing you $1000 per week in net sales ($52,000 per year) In order to do that they would making $1,428 in weekly sales ($1000/.7 = $1428) and taking $428 off the top every week. $428 X 52 weeks = $22,200!

What else can you do with $22K to drive sales? If you did it would it produce more than $52,000? Would it provide you with new customers so that the next time they ordered you would not have to pay a commission on the order? For a lot of small stores this amount would double the annual marketing budget!

For example, in my market I could send out post card mailing to every address in the area 10 times… or a more elaborate mailing 5 times. It might be about a wash on the first run through as far as generating sales… but if I captured emails and text numbers for these customers the long term payback would be a lot better.

I am more than a little happy that they are not in my market!
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Hmmm Let’s think this through…

For the sake of argument let’s assume they are doing well and bringing you $1000 per week in net sales ($52,000 per year) In order to do that they would making $1,428 in weekly sales ($1000/.7 = $1428) and taking $428 off the top every week. $428 X 52 weeks = $22,200!

What else can you do with $22K to drive sales? If you did it would it produce more than $52,000? Would it provide you with new customers so that the next time they ordered you would not have to pay a commission on the order? For a lot of small stores this amount would double the annual marketing budget!

For example, in my market I could send out post card mailing to every address in the area 10 times… or a more elaborate mailing 5 times. It might be about a wash on the first run through as far as generating sales… but if I captured emails and text numbers for these customers the long term payback would be a lot better.

I am more than a little happy that they are not in my market!
Per usual @bodegahwy your serving up a huge scoop of reality check. I’m gonna head to the corner and rock back and forth for a bit.
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Sparrowspizza- I am very sorry you feel that way and had a bad experience with Slice. Again, that is truly not what we want for restaurants that partner with us. I have asked our Account Management team to reach out to you as soon as possible to get your issues resolved. Once again, I truly apologize for your experience.
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So, I just got a sobering email from grubhub. At the end if this month they are basically going to double my fee. I immediately thought of this conversation
Hmmm Let’s think this through…

For the sake of argument let’s assume they are doing well and bringing you $1000 per week in net sales ($52,000 per year) In order to do that they would making $1,428 in weekly sales ($1000/.7 = $1428) and taking $428 off the top every week. $428 X 52 weeks = $22,200!

What else can you do with $22K to drive sales? If you did it would it produce more than $52,000? Would it provide you with new customers so that the next time they ordered you would not have to pay a commission on the order? For a lot of small stores this amount would double the annual marketing budget!

For example, in my market I could send out post card mailing to every address in the area 10 times… or a more elaborate mailing 5 times. It might be about a wash on the first run through as far as generating sales… but if I captured emails and text numbers for these customers the long term payback would be a lot better.

I am more than a little happy that they are not in my market!
Per usual @bodegahwy your serving up a huge scoop of reality check. I’m gonna head to the corner and rock back and forth for a bit.
I’m just gonna lay it all on the table for you guys and see what you think.

For the past 5 years I have been grandfather in our old pricing structure of $3 an order. I was happy with that and like I say all the time Grubhub has a strangle hold on this city. They are based here. They advertise like crazy. Everyone uses them.

Today I learn that they are doing away with the grandfathered in pricing and everyone is gonna start at the base of 15% an order. Now I’m gonna break it down for you…

Last month we had 91 orders from them with total tag of $3,280. our fee was about $274. That’s about 8.4% I can live with that. With the new percentage pricing our fee would have been $491.
Drop them even if you think they are a big part of sales - I used them for a long time and since dropping them all those customers moved over to my integrated online ordering - unless you are in a Campus market, or don’t have any other solution for ONLINE orders - stay away from companies like this. You are just giving money away!
Fact is, most of the orders that come in from grubhub are repeat customers that don’t realize they are driving up costs. Truthfully we only get a few new customers a week. I have already printed out box toppers to help incentives them to shift over to our website.

So my question to you guys is…what can I do with almost $500 a month that can bring in more than 3 grand in sales? Because, I don’t think the return is worth it with grubhub or am I wrong?

Oh and the first person to suggest I advertise on yelp is gonna get kicked off the board!
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Keep them, but raise your prices thru them. Keep box topping and push your website with lower costs.

And when people complain about pricing being higher on GH, inform them that they are now paying the premium and if they want a better price to use your website instead (of course come up with a more polite way of saying this. This of course is not my strong suit, i call it like i see it. I hire people to come up with these types of responses lol).
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I agree with d9phoenix we just started using grub hub door dash and uber eats. I so far think its a good idea to be on their platforms a lot of people use these apps. My competitors are all on there. Raise your prices on their menus that’s what I did. All in all I’m not losing much and people are seeing your shop. Free advertising until you get an order.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
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I have already printed out box toppers to help incentives them to shift over to our website.

So my question to you guys is…what can I do with almost $500 a month that can bring in more than 3 grand in sales? Because, I don’t think the return is worth it with grubhub or am I wrong?

Oh and the first person to suggest I advertise on yelp is gonna get kicked off the board!
Ok, first of all you don’t really need any incentives to drive customers away from GH.
  1. Have a reliable and responsive (mobile friendly) website of your own.
  2. Have an Online Ordering company (PREFERABLY NOT A PORTAL), build you your own listing for your store and link it to your website. Mobile friendly is mandatory! If it can integrate with your POS even better.
  3. Run an informational round of “We’re shutting down our GH Listing. Order Online @! 10 or 15% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER.” with your customers -OR- print new take-out menus with the new online ordering while informing that GH is no longer.
  4. Use Authorize.Net gateway (for e-commerce, card not present), through your processor to get the same rates as you have for in-store transactions, and get the money to your bank account with the same deposit from your in-store sales the next day!
Authorize.Net can add to your existing merchant account anywhere from $10 to $20, depending on your negotiations with your representative, and no additional fees other than what you already have for in-store transactions. No matter what they tell you!

If possible, add rewards to your own online ordering app. Customers want to have an easy way to order online. They’re not just not going to order from you because you’re not listed at GH if you have made the effort to give them an alternative that works and it’s easy. Bonus if they can get points!
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Hmmm Let’s think this through…

For the sake of argument let’s assume they are doing well and bringing you $1000 per week in net sales ($52,000 per year) In order to do that they would making $1,428 in weekly sales ($1000/.7 = $1428) and taking $428 off the top every week. $428 X 52 weeks = $22,200!

What else can you do with $22K to drive sales? If you did it would it produce more than $52,000? Would it provide you with new customers so that the next time they ordered you would not have to pay a commission on the order? For a lot of small stores this amount would double the annual marketing budget!

For example, in my market I could send out post card mailing to every address in the area 10 times… or a more elaborate mailing 5 times. It might be about a wash on the first run through as far as generating sales… but if I captured emails and text numbers for these customers the long term payback would be a lot better.

I am more than a little happy that they are not in my market!
For us, if we didn’t use the 3rd party we would lose quite a bit of sales. The customer attitude toward dining is changing. Order from their phone or computer. No interaction with the restaurant,
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The customer attitude toward dining is changing. Order from their phone or computer.
No argument there. My point is only that you may be able to produce more sales in other ways that also build your brand using the same amount or less than you have to pay GH. If spending 20K additional per year only produced an incremental 50K you would be loosing money. Your variable costs are probably higher than that.
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I totally agree with bodegahwy.
Yes, the customer attitude is changing, but keep in mind that more sales doesn’t always equal more profit!
The customer attitude toward dining is changing. Order from their phone or computer.
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someone told me they do 85% grubhub. them offering 10% off if customers offered online ordering thru their website produced close to 0 result. can someone explain me what dark magic grubhub using to have such hold on customers?.. they are so loyal to grubhub…but why?
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It’s because they’re customers of the ordering method, not customers of any particular restaurant. They say, “hey, what’s for dinner,” then go to Grubhub and select from one of the however-many options presented to them. One site, one password, one profile… it’s just convenient.

Grubhub isn’t big here, but we have some similar services. I pass along their mark up by increasing the delivery fee we charge their customers. In the future when I have an opportunity to rearrange the menu in my PoS, I plan to have a “Grubhub” screen where the prices are marked up to offset the percentage they charge.
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