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Halloween Delivery Policy


Staff member
With the number of children on the streets trick or treating, We always implement a policy of telling the customer we will not be quoting deliver times. We will deliver the order as quick as it is safe to do so. We are telling our drivers to be extra careful and watch for the ghosts, goblins and superheros who may not be watching for cars.
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Halloween is not a custom here and it is only promoted by the major supermarkets to sell more confectionary.
BUT … unruly teenagers see it as a reason to roam the streets (some with horror masks covering their faces) to egg peoples homes and motor vehicles, especially if you reject them at the door (or many times even if you don’t reject them).
This year because it is on a Monday and the final year of high school exams started the same day it may be a little less traumatic but we are still geared for egging at home and at the shop.
Unfortunately the law inhibits our proposed Halloween driver policy of running down these jerks who are only out to vandalise 😛
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